Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 165 – 5/30/2019

Named Mystical May 30 NA Star Pearl Journey.

today everything is about the inward journey and how our purpose as star people on a journey to the earth is to awaken to and re-member who we are…

today as i revel in sauntering along the pathless path, i listen to this intention…


I am compelled to journey inward, but where is that place? What does inward feel like? When I close my eyes random thoughts rise to greet me.

Emotions dance around like sparks in the night. What am I looking for? What am I listening for? How do I navigate through all the chaos that constantly talks to me? I’m seeking a way through these random thoughts that are here today and gone tomorrow.

I seek discernment. Like developing the sharp eye of a well seasoned jeweler. I want the ability to recognize the rare thought that comes through my inner world that is a messenger of guidance from you. A bearer of truth, a diamond sparkling with divine code. I want to hear and see clearly so that I might easily stay detached from debris that can so rapidly cloud my mind and infect my heart.

Discernment is a powerful grace, Lord. It is one of the great signature powers of the soul. I am asking for that grace and I know it does not come easily. I must use this grace. I must live the power of this grace. I must apply it every day of my life.

~ Caroline Myss ~


i am reminded that we live in an amazing spiral galaxy of 300 billion stars in a cosmos of 2 trillion galaxies and our galaxy, like ourselves, is ever creating, ever renewing and all of the stars are within us and we are stardust, waves and particles of sound and light compressed and compressed into what looks like matter here on an earth walk to make the quantum leap back into our true nature as dancing stars ever creating, ever renewing…