i’m sorry
please forgive me
thank you
i love you
i awaken today with ho’oponopono, the ancient purification chant, singing me and calling me to listen, listen to the heartsong of the waters falling home and to bathe in the healing waters hearing the echos of moons gone by…
thirteen moons ago, a powerful dream visits at the break of day… i’m on a plane flying at high altitude through the clouds with my soul daughter on one side and my peace partner on the other… we are journeying to the big island where the world is being born anew and all is well… the pilot comes on after we hear the familiar ding to fasten our seatbelts solemnly saying that we are going down… in that instant, the plane nosedives and we are plunging into a watery grave and in this moment the most grounded peace and feeling of equanimity, love and gratitude flows into every cell of my body/our one body as i reach out my hands to my co-hearts in this moment of surrender to what is and in that very instant, the plane is lifted and we glide into a smooth landing in paradise…
thank you
i love you
please forgive me
i’m sorry
may this chant of purification lighten us all…