such a treasure chest of riches is this moment, this day… welcome, welcome to day 12 of a season of peace, the sixth day of the tibetan fifteen days of miracles, our day to celebrate the astonishing light of being, the 56th day of this year for me, a day when my thoughts turn to intoxication – being drunk on love and another beautiful day of gathering the quintessence, ambassadors of love and light with the sun still shining through the clouds on the energy of rebirth and riotous revolution germinating deep in the earth…
on this tenth day of freely flowing february, the calling is being, simply being, being essence which is to say being love and offering light and lovingkindness to all our relatives from the depths of our one cosmic heart knowing that the only thing lasting forever is love…
“I love you. Why save these words for someone special? Let them flow to everyone you meet. I love you. Let it be a given. Automatic. I love you… Whoever you are… I love you…” ~ Scott Stabile ~
perhaps, you already practice this with everyone… if so, keep it up and if not, now’s the moment and this is our mission as ambassadors of love… and yes, if it’s too new to say this to all you come in contact with, say it to yourself, at least at first until you grow into your full stature of being who you are born to be… love walking around in form… and, yes, i love you…
happy astonishing light of being an intoxiate of lovingkindness every moment, every breath, every step…