as the 24 hour bearing witness vigil comes to a close at the crack of dawn this morning, while physically feeling somewhat weary i’m inspired by the upcoming week of taking action as Love Knows No Borders is about to commence reminding me how important it is for all of us to welcome the stranger and offer them warmth… when we start with re-membering the stranger within and befriending our inner refugee who desires what we all desire, a sanctuary to call home, when we open ourselves to the unknown inside of ourselves, we naturally radiate outward this openheartedness to all our relations…. may we all welcome the stranger and offer them warmth…
our earth mother’s heartbeat echoes through all our relations… feel the momentum building as more and more of us hear her call to rise up and stand together as one large orchestra playing a seamless symphony and re-joy-sing in the harmony we embody as a beautiful wave now encircling the cosmos – peace prevails on earth, love is all there is… peace prevails on earth, love is all there is… peace prevails on earth, love is all there is… peace prevails on earth, love is all there is…
may we all welcome the stranger and offer them warmth speaking the words above as one unified voice, as one bridge of reconciliation encircling the cosmos…
join with me now in breathing deeply in to the womb of being while placing a hand on your heart and with each deep breath, feel your heart, our one heart, opening a little wider to welcome the stranger and offer warmth beginning with yourself and slowly moving out in ever widening circles of inclusion re-membering we all belong to each other, each of our individual destinies is tied with our one collective destiny… to journey to the core of our being, to our heart of gold to be our original face of radiant love, dancing with rainbow mystery…