Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 353 – 12/4/2018

Named Descending Dec 4 Gandhi's Peace Prayer Haiku Alive 4-24-14 007 Wide

on awakening today, i gather with the flock of aloha geese i’ve been flying with over the last seven weeks to share our journey that lans us this moment in presence, in spaciousness, in the stillpoint…

savoring this space of wu wei, of divine full being in this moment where we have everything gifted to us by an abundant and ever expanding cosmos, i re-member a drea of four years ago right at this time in the rhythmic cycle when once again i had just returned home to portlandia and in the dream my home here was far more  than it had been before dwelling in the golden land… now, the small space i inhabit goes on and on forever with a flowing pond in the center of the space and the pond is filled to overflowing with an abundance of  honu, green sea turtles, symbolizing  earthmother, ancient slow-moving pachamama revered for wisdom and good fortune…

yes to swimming in this flow…