every breath, every moment is a chance to be and make peace with the world…
almost a half a century ago, 49 years to be exact, i, along with a half a million other people journeyed to Washington for the largest peace march ever… yes, squint your eyes and you can see me in the middle of the crowd standing around the reflection pool… standing in love for love, calling for peace…
fast forward forty-seven years and once again on the ides of November, i join with thousands all over the world in a day of action… a day of standing in solidarity with standing rock, standing in love for love, calling for our mother waters’ protection, calling for earthmother’s protection…
fast forward another 2 years to this moment, where i stand with you and thousands of our relatives holding hands across the planet, across the invisible cosmic realms in love for love and peace, deep peace of the running wave we are forever…