for this week’s edition of I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being in light of tragic events across the cosmos, let us come home to the open field of beloved community, of the sangha, of a gathering of friends, a spacious safe space to come together to acknowledge the unspeakable, to share our grief, to bear witness to the resiliency of the spirit, the inner light that shines eternally…
it has been said that the next buddha will be a sangha, the next incarnation of the dalai lama will be a sangha… part of this shift of the ages seems to be moving us from a consciousness of the individual to a consciousness of community understanding we do all belong to each other, there is only one of us here, one body made up of seventy trillion cells to the seventy trillionth power infinitely…
as we take flight with the great turning, may we re-member our roots as beings of love who flourish through cooperation and re-create culture of kindness re-cognizing our kinship with all that is…
let us take this moment and every moment to fill ourselves with the love of our earthmother and sky father, sister moon and brother sun and gather all the quintessence of our cosmic home,,, and, it is this light, this love that dissolves all impurities, alchemizing the lead into gold…
always re-member the self-organizing intelligence of the vast morphic field’s imperative is for us to rise, to rise, to rise like the waves in the ocean mirroring their rhythmic motion …