Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 310 – 10/22/2018

Named Open Field 22 Rumi Guest House Kaua'i 11-26-14 006

i’m feeling the moon’s waxing and contemplating how many moons have waxed and waned since i adopted this way of life, this way of greeting everything as a guest, this way of crossing the rubicon of conditioned existence and breaking free, of crossing to the far shore, the shore of the open field of the sacred heart, the one heart every heart beats in rhythm with, the one web we all live in, the tree of life sheltering every cell of creation…

living in harmony with what is… this bubbling cauldron of mess and beauty and chaos and coherence and uncertainty and clarity, of missing the mark and being in the sweet spot and everything in  between stretching us, bewildering us moving us, shifting us into a more expansive spaces, deepening our experience of timeless presence, of real-eye-sing we are intricately and intimately connected in this interdependent breathing imaginal cell floating in an infinite sea…

as the moon waxes full filling the sky with lovingkindness, may we be filled with lovingkindness and compassion born of the reality that we all belong to each other, we are all walking each other home and let us greet each other on the buen camino as a friend, as an honored guest… our moment here is brief, walk in beauty…