today is a day of perfect wind, a day when spirit calls for cruising on the love boat and gliding across the sea of love energy with nowhere to go and nothing to do freeing me to dwell in the space of true refuge, our wounded, softened heart and experience the goodness of all our relations of the awakened heart…
thousandfold thanks to the generative social field for radiating so much love and light inspiring a response in kind and kindness to all with a kiss = keeping it super simple on this day of adventure, this day of sailing an unknown sea, this day of flow, of holy synchronicity, of being still at the center, living creativity, living in the chaos that gives birth to a dancing star and re-membering the soul song of our multiverse… join with me in bodhicitta re-joy-sing. co-hearts of the one wounded heart….
all is well
and all is well
no matter what, all is well…