Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 290 – 10/2/2018

Named Open Field 2 Caravan of Re-Joy-Sing Green Bough Singing Bird.

thank you for joining the caravan of re-joy-sing today to travel along the mighty river of joy and ride through the open fields arriving at the green bough to  wait for the singing bird…

thank you for this day of dwelling in the open field listening for the cosmic hum of singing bird…

 thank you for this day of cultivating the green bough, the open heart of flowing love, peace and joy…

thank you for this day of courage kindling our one sweet heart to open to what is and to trust the journey is the destination… we don’t have to know where we are going in this river of life that’s fluid and dynamic, moving from moment to moment asking only to be open, one with the tides of life…

may we awaken today in the open field of the child’s  heart and beginner’s mind….

deep bow to green bough tara of the open field, pied piper of the singing bird…