i’m walking the bhakti path today,
floating through life in a buoyant way…
with nothing to do and nowhere to go,
resting still in the ocean, the ocean of flow..
chanting love’s names polishes our one heart,
resonating at the frequency of love you impart
a raising of the vibration of cosmic harmony
attuning us all to the deep peace of great mystery…
a year ago, i stood at an altar of love having flown home for a family wedding uniting the opposites with joy and celebration while across town, Charlottesville was exploding… it was good then to be standing in a unitive field of love balancing the hatred happening blocks away and it’s good to stand with you in love today with each of us invokes the beloved in our own authentic way… perhaps, you’ll join me in placing your hand on your heart and calling up the image of a relation you love… or, maybe, spend time in the company of a tree or play in water and squeal with glee or plant seeds of compassion and joy drawing down the courage of the leo new moon… whatever it is, float in devocean, in the ocean of devotion with your wide open heart re-joy-sing in the dream of the cosm – peace in every moment…
Monthly Archives: August 2018
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 237 – 8/10/2018
in just a couple of hours the super new moon in leo with partial soular eclipse will be here – 2:46 AM PDT on 8/11 for the eclipse followed a few minutes later by the new moon – bringing in potent energies of letting go and breaking through into an expanded consciousness of our true nature as light beings of love…
this new moon is a bit atypical being in leo and super emboldening us with the courage of the lion/lioness to roar, to awaken to this new day, this new you, this new field ripe for seeding with intentions of our deepest heartfelt desires…
may we meet this moment being peace…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 236 – 8/9/2018
seventy-three years ago today, at the end of World War II, an atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki in Japan with the hypocenter right on the grounds of what is now the Peace Memorial Park where this sculpture rests…
listen to Words of the Sculptor about the Peace Statue he created to commemorate all who lost their lives to atomic radiation:
“After experiencing that nightmarish war, that blood-curdling carnage, that unendurable horror, Who could walk away without praying for peace? This statue was created as a signpost in the struggle for global harmony. Standing ten meters tall, it conveys the profundity of knowledge and the beauty of health and virility. The right hand points to the atomic bomb, the left hand points to peace, and the face prays deeply for the victims of war. Transcending the barriers of race and evoking the qualities of Buddha and God, it is a symbol of the greatest determination ever known in the history of Nagasaki and the highest hope of all mankind.”
-Seibo Kitamura (Spring 1995)
may we all sing out for love, peace and harmony for all our relations in our ever expanding universe and thank great mystery for blessing us with every breath and pouring the divine light of love so generously across the cosm…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 235 – 8/8/2018
are you feeling the energy of your inner lioness, the divine feminine, roaring gently into all your wild cells and quickening the rhythmic flow of love and compassion?
yes, today the doors of love and compassion are flung wide open for all to breeze through with our courageous lionhearts into this brave new world of lovingkindness and compassion….
let’s all take this moment, this beautiful moment. to bask in the radiant light streaming through us to see all that is as it truly is… a beautyway of love and light…
how i love this portal, this gateway into higher and deeper realms of consciousness when potent messages from the invisible realms are flowing freely… involving three key players, the sun and earth and the star sirius, this portal is set in motion in july when the sun and sirius known as the spiritual sun seem to merge together and are seen as one with our sun swallowed by sirius to die and be reborn with the frequencies of sirius during the first week of august when the sun is in the constellation of leo giving us the name lions gate… the energies are potent throughout the week and especially dramatic on the 8th when the sun and earth are directly opposed and our reborn sun laser beams the energies of the spiritual sun into pachamama raising the earth’s frequency, raising our frequency to love and above… in this year of 2018 which vibrates at the master number frequency of eleven, the energies of empathy, compassion and understanding, so needed on the planet, are flooding the cosmos…
yes to embracing empathy now…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 234 – 8/7/2018
Seventy-three years ago, the beautiful child in this image, Sadako, was 2 years old when the atomic bomb was dropped on her city of Hiroshima during the second world war… Nine years later, she developed the atomic bomb disease, leukemia… Hearing the ancient Japanese story that says when you fold 1000 paper cranes your wish will be granted, Sadako was able to fold 644 cranes with her wish for healing before she died at twelve years old from atomic radiation…
Inspired by her courage and strength, her friends and classmates dreamed of creating a monument to memorialize their friend and all children killed by the bomb. Young people all over the land of the rising sun realized their dream a couple of years later when in 1958 a statue of Sadako holding a golden crane was unveiled in the Hiroshima Peace Park. The children also made a wish. It is inscribed at the bottom of the statue and reads:
“This is our cry, This is our prayer, Peace in the world”.
Today, people all over the world continue to fold paper cranes and send them to Sadako’s monument in Hiroshima.
May we all take up their cry and prayer of peace in the world… May there be peace on earth and may it begin with me and thee…
Om, shanti….
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 233 – 8/6/2018
I was dead, then alive.
Weeping, then laughing.
The power of love came into me,
and I became fierce like a lion,
then tender like the evening star.~ Rumi ~
the children of the earth gather this day in front of the Atomic Dome in the Hiroshima Memorial Park at exactly the time 73 years earlier that an explosion of atoms shattered the world… today, as millions come together across the world, we unite for an explosion of a vastly different sort… an explosion of love and peace, a chorus of voices with every country in the world represented in one unified prayer for peace… may peace prevail on earth…
yes, the one heart of all our relations choir is now unstoppable… yes, peace prevails on earth…
thousandfold thanks for standing together in love and peace for love and peace…
and, may we all join with Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui in calling for the total elimination of the world’s nuclear weapons…
heiwa, heiwa, heiwa…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 232 – 8/5/2018
“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.”
~Hafiz of Shiraz~
i love Rumi’s words so beautifully showing you the astonishing light of your being, please drink them in letting them wash through every wild cell of the earth of your being…
i love celebrating the astonishing light of being today under a most brilliant sun all the brighter as it burst out of the shadowy clouds once an early morning fog burned off…
brilliant sun, astonishing light
writing peace in the sand
living it from our one heart
being a mirror of nobility…
om shanti
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 231 – 8/4/2018
ah, today is the last day of this turn around the sun when, according to the I Ching, brother sun shines on the hexagram of re-treat and i’m making the most of it as an awesome day of pause, a day of gap, of dwelling in the unknown, a day of mystery reflecting, a day of packing away belongings, inventorying life, emptying self, detaching from the noisy world, letting go, letting go, letting go, bowing to the deep, joining the council of elders round the fire of purification in sweet surrender melting into oneness…
flying wing to wing with great spirit
soaring round the boundaries of the cosmos
wearing long wing feathers while diving deeply
real-eye-sing quintessence, the essence of essence
always being and becoming love…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 230 – 8/3/2018
yes, this third day of awesome august is an amazing striding along the pathless path out to the field beyond, the milagro field of dreams, of boundless possibility, of holy synchronicity/syncchronisiddhi…
and, yes, the world is too full to talk about here, so, let’s sync down with the breath into the core of our being and down into the stillpoint of creation to wash in the energies of the central sun, being love and peace and joy and liberation where we dwell as wise innocents in the unknown, in awesome, totally awesome mystery of the sacred hoop…
may the cosmic hum dance through every beat of our oneheart…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 229 – 8/2/2018
today i contemplate the pathless path i’ve been walking for almost eleven months or is it eleven years or eleven lifetimes? anyway, it’s the path where we die before we die… dying to fixed ideas of the limited self, the protective self so that we can awaken in awe to whom we truly are…
looking through poetic eyes, metaphorical eyes, we witness a pregnant lioness on a high hill looking for food for the cub growing inside… she spies a flock of sheep and leaps down, down, down dying on impact with the blow of the landing… the baby cub is raised by the sheep and lives as a sheep until one day a lion approaches the flock heading straight for the young lion sheep who’s sure the end is nigh… the older lion carries the one who thinks she’s a sheep to a crystal clear lake and when the sheep lion sees her reflection, she roars in awe, awakening to whom she really is, a being of limitless courage, limitless heart who’s here on an ensouled sacred mission…
like the lion, each of us comes in with our own pathless path which is revealed through each blow, each little death when we courageously surrender to what is breaking open to our true boundless spirit nature…