Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 248 – 8/21/2018

Named Awesome August 21 Angel of Light and Divine Consciousness

woo hoo! today is the first anniversary of the total soular eclipse we experienced here and for all of us who shared this primal event, we remain transfixed and transformed forever by that magical mystical moment… that moment which initiated such a momentous turn around the sun with each moment pulling us deeper and deeper into the tunnel of light…

let’s celebrate totality by centering together… and so we get comfortable and begin to breathe together, to conspire so we can go deeper and higher at the speed of light…

imagine a filament of light lifting us up from the crown chakra and another filament of light grounding us from our root chakra… feel ourselves as a bridge of light uniting heaven and earth…

imagine a great star radiating brilliant light over the whole cosmos and pouring this light like a waterfall onto us replenishing our chi and washing away all expended energy into earth for composting…

feel the waterfall of bright, warm, loving light raining down onto our head and suffusing into our eyes which now see beauty everywhere and into our ears which now listen deeply understanding heartfully and now the light suffuses into our tongue and throat so our speech is uplifting and the waterfall flows into our hands imbuing them with healing touch and flows into our lungs cleansing and purifying so each breath is refreshing and revivifying and into our one heart revealing the divine light of our true nature, the inner light of our immortal soul which shines eternally…

savor this light coursing through us like a waterfall enlivening, inspiring and washing away  any blocks…

experience the light within merging with the divine light of the waterfall forming a rainbow egg of light completely surrounding us, sheltering us,loving us, freeing us…

may all nourishing thoughts, words and deeds filter through this egg of light as blessings and afflictive ones bounce off the eggshell and be transmuted as blessings…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 247 – 8/20/2018

Named Awesome August 20 HY!MM Orcas Wisdom

today i awaken with a deep sense of grief, cosmic grief and the poignant image of  Tahlequah, the mourning mother who carried her dead calf  for seventeen days arises and it takes me to another image of a mare gone wild searching all over for her colt who was stillborn and it brings me close to home… is there anything more painful than experiencing the loss of a child you have carried inside your heart?

as Tahlequah suffered through this momentous loss swimming over 1000 miles with her calf, she was never alone… her tribe was always close by giving her food, comfort and support… her six kindred sisters forming a seamless circle of love show us all what it means to hold space and compassionately offer support during those moments of heartbreak we all suffer, we all endure…

years ago, it inspired me to learn that the elder sisters of the orcas were the ones who knew where to find nourishment and so are vital for the life of the tribe… once again, these wisdom keepers offer all relatives a loving way to be…

may we, like our orca sisters, know where the feeding grounds of true nourishment are and how to be with and guide others  during times of  heartbreak to solace and deep peace…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 246 – 8/19/2018

Named Awesome August 19 Astonishing Light of Being Mt Rainier July B'day Pilgrimage 051 Surrender.

yes! it’s sunday which means time to share the astonishing light of our being… so when you have a moment of despair or loneliness, take a look at this mighty stone person so infused with the radiant light of  boundless love and breathe this love through our one heart…

come now to the mountain to contemplate

with heart wide open we enter the gate

under the lantern of half moon waxing

witness the joy of love and peace dancing…

for so very many moons, i hold a vision of every cell of our universe meditating peace, breathing peace, singing peace and this prayer flowing in waves over the planet creating our world anew… today, under a waxing moon, is perfect for expanding the original vision to having everyone of us loving our one heart as well… take this moment, this wild precious moment to love boundlessly, for giving love is the most powerful medicine, the magical elixir for manifesting a luminous world…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 245 – 8/18/2018

Named Awesome August 18 Star Trail Rotating Around the Star Polaris, British Columbia

I live my life in widening circles

that reach out across the world.

I may never complete this last one,

but I give myself to it.

I circle around God, that primordial tower.

I’ve been circling for thousands of years

and I still don’t know: am I a falcon,

a storm, or a great song?

~ Rainer Maria Rilke ~

today, i stand still in the center of the wheel reflecting on the last forty-five day cycle beginning in early july with lionsgate being put into motion and the new moon and first of the triple eclipses followed by a deep pilgrimage of bearing witness and honoring pain as a rite of passage for another turn around the sun whirlwinding into the full moon of the guru and lunar eclipse and the portal of lionsgate  and the new moon and last of the eclipses with this steady influx of light culminating in yesterday’s celebration of the thirty-first anniversary of harmonic convergence…

whew! what a very interesting moment we are in as we circle around what is and who we are in ever widening circles demonstrating that we, like the cosmos, are ever expanding and we have it in us to face into the pain, the suffering, the despair of  a world of  uncertainty putting love into every action…

yes, today’s the day to stop the world, to stand still in the center and listen to all the messages of the whirling winds…

return to the breath being still and fully present in this beautiful moment being a mantra of thanksgiving, being a falcon of free flight, being a song of joyous delight…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 244 – 8/17/2018

Named Awesome August 17 Kauai 11-28-14-019 Rainbow

today is the thirty-first anniversary of harmonic convergence and it feels just so… a day of grace, a day when the sun, in the form of holy grandmother spider creatrix, peeks through the clouds offering warm embraces and whispered words of wisdom to be still in this moment of wild abandon, to trust this moment of surrender, to re-member the sun always shines and when it shines on rain, creation is transformed into iridescent rainbow arcs encircling the cosmos within and without converging, confluing in perfect harmony, in this moment, this beautiful moment of grace… may we all awaken to the beauty breathing us alive…

aloha and mahalo…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 243 – 8/16/2018

Named Awesome August 16 Aretha Mockingbird

the songbird known as the queen of soul, the first woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, child musical prodigy, civil rights activist, touchstone of  the times calling us, singing us into the core of being where love, beauty and truth abide, this extraordinary/ordinary being now circles around the cosmos singing us home to our one heart…

more than ever, we need the truth and power of her soul song… may we be inspired to walk the talk, to dance the soul song, Aretha so beautifully emanated…

i can’t re-member a time without her voice echoing in the background, thankfully, her voice echoes eternally…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 242 – 8/15/2018

Named Awesome August 15 ThePath of the Soul

this image visits me frequently… in dreams, in waking moments, especially on a day such as this, a day of stopping and seeing inside as i saunter along the rainbow trail, the path with heart, the pilgrimage of the soul, the pathless path…

this peace pilgrimage takes courage, a heart letting go completely  to soften into the call of the beloved trusting that in this surrender, the cosm, the cosmos will have our back…

“A true vocation requires shedding anything that would impede or obscure the call. A true pilgrimage requires letting go of the very things most people try to hold onto. In seeking after what the soul desires we become pilgrims with no home but the path the soul would have us follow.”

~ Michael Meade ~

rapidly, i’m approaching the one year anniversary of being called into the lion’s roar, into awakening, into the deepest initiation adventure of this incarnation, a turn around the sun of arriving, of  coming home wholeheartedly…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 241 – 8/14/2018

Named Awesome August 14 John ODonohue Soul Knows Way Mt Rainier Lenticular Cap Clouds.

“He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self.”

~ Bhagavad Gita ~

 a day of tahoma, the native name for beloved mt rainier pictured above… love the name tahoma sounding like to home, ah… and indeed, this day of being covered in clouds of smoke is a day of coming home to the heart and trusting in this wild journey… trusting in it’s rhythm which dances to the beat of the divine drummer of our one heart… following the rhythm deep within to the silent stillpoint where our most profound purpose lies in the ground of being calling us to nurture this trust daily… calling us to offer full presence, lovingkindness, compassion and generosity which opens the portal to a freedom of floating in the golden buoyant sea and vibrating in a river of joy frequency which is in the core of all being, that field of unitive harmony out beyond…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 240 – 8/13/2018

Named Awesome August 13 Love Always in Impermanence

A mind that has no walls, that is not burdened with its own acquisitions, accumulations, with its own knowledge, a mind that lives timelessly, insecurely – to such a mind, life is an extraordinary thing. Such a mind is life itself, because life has no resting place.

– Jiddu Krishnamurti –

may life flow through all our relations as a timeless meandering river of water always moving aligned with the flow of dynamic life…

come, sit in the sand with me and listen to the song of the sea, feel into the rhythm of the waves breathing in and breathing out, experience life as a wave always flowing freely…

in joy being the ocean in a drop – ever seeking, exploring, pushing, overflowing its shoreline, penetrating every crevice with the waters of life, ceaselessly eroding the walls of suffering and separation to move us into the great turning and the revelation that there are no borders or boundaries and that there is simply one ever expanding interwoven web of iridescent silken threads…

om shanti

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 239 – 8/12/2018

Named Awesome August 12 Astonishing Light Hummingbird

two years ago on this sunday of mid-august, i began a weekly feature honoring one of us, a pilgrim on our shared journey of light with an amazing luminous being recognized all over the cosmos as an emissary of light, of love, of joy overflowing…

yes, the divine hummingbird reminds us all of our birthright as children of the light.. let us take this moment to invoke her presence of soul consciousness through the hum of her wings, our soul in free flight, resonating with the cosmic hum, the heartbeat of earth mother, flowing in the rhythm of star nation’s light waves…

one year later when i was back home for a wedding in charlottesville, another divine hummingbird, another pilgrim on our shared spirit path flies into our consciousness as we re-member Heather who was mowed down as c’ville exploded and who shall always live in our hearts as one who stands in love for love…

as her proud mother proclaims,

“I want her death to be a rallying cry for justice and equality and fairness and compassion…”

may we all come together across the cosmos to move the arc of justice towards its outer manifestation of  love and compassion and peace and harmony re-membering our way is together as one… re-membering our birthright  as joyous freespirits always trumping hate with love, always being joyous rainbow birds…

join me in wandering with wonder through the kingdom of joy traveling with the caravan of re-joy-sing chanting over and over again this psalm of the beloved for all our beloved relatives…

“If you are seeking, seek us with joy
For we live in the kingdom of joy.
Do not give your heart to anything else
But to the love of those who are clear joy,
Do not stray into the neighborhood of despair.
For there are hopes: they are real, they exist –
Do not go in the direction of darkness –
I tell you: suns exist.”

~Rumi ~