blessing the space between us
as we journey into great mystery,
the pilgrimage to our one heart
in this moment, this awesome moment, may we shower ourselves and each other with lovingkindness re-membering we optimize wholeness for all with the smallest of gestures… a SMILE, hugs, thumbs up, deeply listening, taking healing breaks throughout the day, flowers, a cuppa, coming home to the moment with every breath, seeing through the eyes of awe… like this open hand, being open vessels for life to flow through… every inbreath, inhaling grace, every outbreath, surrendering efforting and striving and pushing against the river… always trusting what is ours to do/be comes to us naturally; we need only listen to our one heart’s song whispering the way of the path with heart…
what an awesome august it has been, indeed, what a blessed space we have inhabited walking each other home in a sacred way through the fires of purification of the lionsgate portal to and through the portal of harmonic convergence when a wave of union, of communion, swept energetically across the planet re-minding, re-heartening all our relatives to our true, shared reality of one source, one body, one heart, one mind, one spirit…
such a potent moment for living the grail quest-ion, what really matters? what breaks your heart? what breaks your heart wide open waking you up each moment to serve?
listen deeply hearing the hum of our one heart re-joy-sing as we walk this path together coming home to our one heart, summoning the courage each moment to simply take one more step into great mystery’s sea of love energy …