Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 223 – 7/27/2018

Named Jocund July 27 Love Always in Impermanence

what is happening? an epic moment, the most electrical, mystical moment as we bathe in the moon rays of the most supercharged electromagnetic field of the longest lunar eclipse of the century… yes, this aquarian full blood moon’s energy is amplified geometrically as we are in the vortex of eclipse season… today may well feel like a wild roller coaster ride as we travel at great speed and great stillness through bounteous emotions…

i began celebrating the blessings of this moon of the corn goddess a couple of days ago and still the intense cycling of the moon phases today challenges equanimity calling for  going within and honoring this high holy day, this moon of the guru, the great teacher, divine love…

let’s take this moment to honor our teachers – remember, every moment is a teacher – and hold them in our one heart with infinite love and gratitude for igniting our inner light…

here is a prayer written by Laura Cornell…

 Oh Great Teacher ~ Great Spirit of Ultimate Light
Thank you for all of the blessings you have given me in my life.
Thank you for so many teachers,
Known and unknown,
Remembered and forgotten,
Big and small.
Thank you for my lovers, friends, parents, grandparents, school teachers, meditation teachers, asana teachers, dance teachers, teachers of the ways of the soul.
Thank you for sending me so many companions on my journey through life.
Thank you most of all, Great Spirit, for your presence in my life,
Unending, always available.
My life moves through countless cycles of waxing and waning,
Increase and decrease,
Like this beautiful Moon before me,
But You are always with me.
I give you great thanks.

as always, on the full moon, i join with waves of beings across the cosmos to offer metta, lovingkindness for all…

may we be filled with lovingkindness

may we be well

may we be peaceful and at ease

may we be happy…

namaste, beloveds