Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 206 – 7/10/2018

Named Jocund July 10 Breathe.

i love this image,  i love seeing beloved as a rainforest showering us with breath, giving us life… so, let’s take this moment to feel beloved breathing us through our one heart flowing right into the stillpoint, our rainforest of being… in this sacred space, we can open our hearts in rhythm with beloved’s flowing breath and feel the suffering of the cosmos and in the silence hear the whispers of what’s ours to do with our out breath…

i love this image, this metaphor returning on this day of pilgrimage when i’m re-membering the conception of the poetic peace pilgrimage as a daily breathing practice in rhythm with flow… i love this image, this metaphor returning on this day of pilgrimage when i awaken in wonder and awe of mystery living the question of what’s inflaming lungs, our lungs, the cosmic lungs…

thank you, beloved, for coming in this moment as beautiful rainforest showering us with healing breath…


deep within our rainforest

listen for the unremembered chords

of a wider consciousness

where we all swim and breathe in an ocean of love


listen for the unremembered chords

coursing through the Rainforest Beloved

where we all swim and breathe in an ocean of love

re-membering paradise in the watery womb


coursing through the Rainforest Beloved

awakening to dreams of a new world breathing

re-membering paradise in the watery womb

reaching out as one and seeing her germinate


awakening to dreams of a new world breathing

where peace, love and bliss live in each moment

re-membering paradise in the watery womb

what dreams are you living as the new world today?
