a day of incredible beauty and blessings on the rainbow trail with moment after moment of re-membering and awakening to life as fragile and as impermanent as sea foam bubbles on the sand and as eternal and rhythmic as the ocean waves flowing home to shore and returning to source with every breath…
still in the energy of the new moon of awakening and of many moons of a profound awakening initiation, today is a day of witnessing and appreciating the communion of saints surrounding and supporting us, this gathering of quintessence sharing the exquisite grace and gifts of being and becoming, a day of dreams resurrecting and presenting themselves as orbs lighting the path… to the garden of silence to plant more seeds of the peace passing all understanding and to enter stillness and listen for beloved’s song with her oft repeated refrain to come back, come back, return home… yes, beloved i’m dancing home to you…
thank you, thank you…