Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 125 – 4/20/2018

Named Awakened 20 Nat'l School Walkout

as we approach the collective celebration of the earth day, the children of the earth are once again stepping up to remind us of our stewardship response-ability for the children of the earth who’ve had enough of  their peers being murdered and walked out of 2500 plus schools today to call legislators, march around state capitols, city halls, the national capitol renewing the demand for gun safety…

on this nineteenth anniversary of Columbine, thousands of students are walking out thanks to activist 16 year old, Lane Murdock from Connecticut who started a petition on Change.org that spread like wildfire across the internet… since Columbine, 193 schools have experienced a school shooting, affecting over 187,000 students with The San Diego Union-Tribune calculating that over 11,000 years of life have been cut short due to gun violence in schools since Columbine…

let us join with the children to work on six common sense steps to promote safety and life…

and, let us raise our voices with the youth’s cry…

We Won’t Stop!