tomorrow is World Water Day, a day of honoring and blessing water…
everyday is truly blessing water day, water is the innernet connecting us all, the more blessings of peace, love and harmony we pour into water, the more peaceful, loving and harmonious life is… thousandfold thanks for our joining hands across the cosmos in sacred honoring… thousandfold thanks, water, for giving us life and blessing our earth walks… standing before you, we re-member we are water, we are the ocean in a drop… may our one heart be purified more than ever before for the benefit of all as we drink you into our being and as water reciprocates in the next breath by blessing us and generously bestowing pure water spirits throughout the web of life… water is a mirror for us as well as perfectly mirroring us… water responds in perfect harmony to the messages we send; the more beautiful our transmission, the more beautifully water creates all that is..
In Praise of Water
Let us bless the grace of water:
The imagination of the primeval ocean
Where the first forms of life stirred
And emerged to dress the vacant earth
With warm quilts of color.The well whose liquid root worked
Through the long night of clay,
Trusting ahead of itself openings
That would yet yield to its yearning
Until at last it arises in the desire of light
To discover the pure quiver of itself
Flowing crystal clear and free
Through delighted emptiness.The courage of a river to continue belief
In the slow fall of ground,
Always falling farther
Toward the unseen ocean.The river does what words would love,
Keeping its appearance
By insisting on disappearance;
Its only life surrendered
To the event of pilgrimage,
Carrying the origin to the end.Seldom pushing or straining,
Keeping itself to itself
Everywhere all along its flow…Let us bless the humility of water,
Always willing to take the shape
Of whatever otherness holds it,The buoyancy of water
Stronger than the deadening,
Downward drag of gravity,
The innocence of water,
Flowing forth, without thought
Of what awaits it,
The refreshment of water,
Dissolving the crystals of thirst.Water: voice of grief,
Cry of love,
In the flowing tear.Water: vehicle and idiom
Of all the inner voyaging
That keeps us alive.Blessed be water,
Our first mother.we are all rainclouds…
mni wiconi
water is life
Monthly Archives: March 2018
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 94 – 3/20/2018
Happy Equinox!
yes! the whole world is in balance today as we celebrate the festival of the sun, the day we all receive the same amount of sun externally and internally… on this day of the earth’s poles being in balance and light piercing through both hemispheres, we are able to see through dimensional veils… seeing the world through eyes of balance, she sings a song of harmony on this first day of the new astrological turn around the sun…
yes! i love this day of balance, such happiness flows like a bubbling brook which reminds me that in addition to being equinox, today is also the International Day of Happiness as decreed by the United Nations… and, it’s the first day of fall for southern hemisphereians and spring for those in the north…
today, i re-member it was three years ago when a dream whispered to go into the wasteland and anoint and so i have taken on this mission of carrying holy water on every outer and inner journey to bodies of water be they oceans or rivers or bays or pools or puddles or poodles or people transmuting wasteland into graceland…
every journey a blessingway, a blessingway of deepening balance, a flowing with the waters of life in harmony making every moment sacred…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 93 – 3/19/2018
awaken today to find the tool i need for this day is inoperable which inspires stopping the everyday world and traveling down into ocean depths to swim in resilientsea and find the pearl that shines a light on the path to the buoyantsea… even with the past days of flowing in beauty, i feel a moment of quaking at today’s call of the wild to defy gravity even more, to break my heart open wider – am i up for this adventure? yes, hell yes, i am made for this, we are made for this alchemizing, this transmuting of our illusion of certainty into flowing with what is… smiling and chanting thank you, thank you, thank you, i dive into the darkness breathing through our one heart in the rhythm of the waves. in the stillness of deep mystery, i embrace what comes… i’m content to dwell here until the way clears… letting go, being flow on the beautyway of the illuminated heart…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 92 – 3/18/2018
your eyes’ light is lit by the sun in your spirit
day after tomorrow (march 20) we celebrate equinox as a festival of the sun, a day to honor the balancing of the sun within oneself… how appropriate for today’s image of the astonishing light of your being to share this image of the inner sun of spirit so beautifully illuminated by the lovely Jessica and this poem of Lawrence Ferlinghetti…
Instructions to Painters & Poets
I asked a hundred painters and a hundred poets
how to paint sunlight
on the face of life
Their answers were ambiguous and ingenuous
as if they were all guarding trade secrets
Whereas it seems to me
all you have to do
is conceive of the whole world
and all humanity
as a kind of art work
a site-specific art work
an art project of the god of light
the whole earth and all that’s in it
to be painted with lightAnd the first thing you have to do
is paint out postmodern painting
And the next thing is to paint yourself
in your true colors
in primary colors
as you see them
(without whitewash)
paint yourself as you see yourself
without make-up
without masks
Then paint your favorite people and animals
with your brush loaded with light
And be sure you get the perspective right
and don’t fake it
because one false line leads to anotherAnd don’t forget to paint
all those who lived their lives
as bearers of light
Paint their eyes
and the eyes of every animal
and the eyes of beautiful women
known best for the perfection of their breasts
and the eyes of men and women
known only for the light of their minds
Paint the light of their eyes
the light of sunlit laughter
the song of eyes
the song of birds in flightAnd remember that the light is within
if it is anywhere
and you must paint from the inside
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 91 – 3/17/2018
on this day of celebrating and being transported energetically by dolphin pixie spirits to the wild, poetically enchanting, magical emerald isle, who better to hear an echo from than her late, great native son, John O’Donahue…
A Celebration Blessing
Now is the time
to free the heart,
Let all intentions and worries stop,
Free the joy inside the self,
Awaken to the wonder
of your life.Open your eyes and see the friends
Whose hearts recognize your face as kin,
Those whose kindness watchful and near,
Encourages you to live everything here.See the gifts the years have given,
Things your effort could never earn,
The health to enjoy who you want to be
And the mind to mirror mystery.May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
may the clarity of light be yours,
may the fluency of the ocean be yours,
may the protection of the ancestors be yours.…may a slow
wind work these words
of love around you…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 90 – 3/16/2018
“When anxious, uneasy and bad thoughts come, I go to the sea, and the sea drowns them out with its great wide sounds, cleanses me with its noise, and imposes a rhythm upon everything in me that is bewildered and confused.”
Rainer Maria Rilketoday is one of those days when i long for the sea because the motherwaters always bring me back to me aligned with the flow of the divine… today is another of my favorite moments in the cycle of life when we rest in the in between times moon, the rainbow moon who sings a song of transformation, of transmuting dark, threatening clouds of pain, into rainbow colored arcs of joy… poised at the portal of the pisces new moon, may we all leap as one, letting go to flow with the oceanic imagination in the field of rainbow mystery beside the river of devocean where only love is real and everything is possible…
om shanti, shanti, shantihi…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 89 – 3/15/2018
beware the ides of march or be aware of the middle of march… what i’m aware of is being in a moment, a long moment of great turning with the most powerful moon of the year happening in a matter of hours and giving us the opportunity to turn greatly and be the more beautiful world we already are…
When we look down on the Earth from space, we see this amazing, indescribably beautiful planet. It looks like a living, breathing organism. But it also… looks extremely fragile.
Ron Garan, NASA Astronaut
Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every ‘superstar,’ every ‘supreme leader,’ every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there — on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.
~ Carl Sagan ~
bathed in the phosphorescence of ocean’s vast space….
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 88 – 3/14/2018
this is rezestance
children of earth walking out
leading us to peace
today is a day of compassion as students, teachers and parents across the land walk out of their classrooms to say enough is enough on the one month anniversary of the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida…
“Today is an unprecedented day in the history of our nation, a day when our children all across this country are exhibiting the leadership, strength, and the courage that too many of our elected leaders lack in trying to stop gun violence in America. We need to listen to them. We need to support them. And we need to join with them in demanding that government live up to its responsibility to provide for the safety and protect the lives of its citizens — in our schools, in our public places, on our streets, and throughout our communities.”
~Dennis Kucinich ~
and from the woman for whom the school was named, the school where a movement was born the woman who nods in approval…
“Be a nuisance when it counts. Do your part to inform and stimulate the public to join your action. Be depressed, discouraged, & disappointed at failure & the disheartening effects of ignorance, greed, corruption & bad politics — but never give up.”
~ Marjory Stoneman Douglas ~
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 87 – 3/13/2018
born auspiciously on the 300th anniversary of Galileo’s death, Professor Hawking also died auspiciously on the 30th anniversary of the day of Pi and on Albert Einstein’s birthday… i love this star going into the cosmos to travel into infinity in such synchronicity…
let us take this moment to listen to this freespirit…
Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.
It matters that you don’t just give up…The role played by time at the beginning of the universe is, I believe, the final key to removing the need for a Grand Designer, and revealing how the universe created itself. … Time itself must come to a stop. You can’t get to a time before the big bang, because there was no time before the big bang. We have finally found something that does not have a cause because there was no time for a cause to exist in. For me this means there is no possibility of a creator because there is no time for a creator to have existed. Since time itself began at the moment of the Big Bang, it was an event that could not have been caused or created by anyone or anything…
For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination. We learned to talk and we learned to listen. Speech has allowed the communication of ideas, enabling human beings to work together to build the impossible. Mankind’s greatest achievements have come about by talking, and its greatest failures by not talking. It doesn’t have to be like this. Our greatest hopes could become reality in the future. With the technology at our disposal, the possibilities are unbounded…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 86 – 3/12/2018
We do not receive wisdom, we must discover it for ourselves, after a journey through the wilderness which no one else can make for us, which no one can spare us, for our wisdom is the point of view from which we come at last to regard the world. ~ Marcel Proust ~
on this day of kej in the mayan calendar, we reflect on the spiritual path, the walking along the freedom road, the courting of liberation, enlightenment, awakening… we look to the east, the place of fire, creativity creating creation and awakening us to our true nature as light beings, free flowing waves of shimmering light…
“Once upon a time, I, Chuang-tzu, dreamed I was a butterfly , fluttering hither & thither….Suddenly, I was awakened….Now I don’t know whether I am a man who dreamed he was a butterfly, or whether I am a butterfly now dreaming I am a man.”
free at last, free at last having let go and surrendered into mystery…