Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 105 – 3/31/2018

Named Meditative March 31 Moon Full in Libra 002

i’ve spent the last couple of hours bathing in this full moon of rebirth, this first full moon after equinox inviting our harvesting of  the blessings of our seed energies planted under the new moon… today is a day of  standing in the crossroads and conversing with the dweller at the threshold who invites us to leap off the precipice to die into silence, to die to the past, to die to the future, to die into the breath, to completely let go… here, silence reveals itself as refuge, as awareness that can be trusted, tenderly loving and resounding with the majesty and the mystery of the sacred…

now, let us turn to a favorite full moon bathing practice…


may we be filled with lovingkindness

may we be well

may we be peacefull and at ease

may we be happy


may we all awaken to moon’s energy re-membering we are one heart…
may we all awaken to moon’s oceans as clean-sing tears…
may we all awaken to moon’s wind as enlivening breath…
may we all awaken to moon’s landscape as our body…


may our one heart open dormant seeds
may our tears fill rain clouds
may our breath give flight to migrating birds
may our body be refuge


may sister moon receive our one heart for her energy
may  sister moon receive our tears for her oceans
may sister moon receive our breath for her wind
may  sister moon receive our body for her landscape


 may sister moon open dormant seeds
may sister moon fill rain clouds
may sister moon give flight to migrating birds
may  sister moon nurture refuge
