Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 79 – 3/5/2018

Named Meditative March 5 Plgrimage of PEACE Ocean 5-13-2009

honoring this day of quintessence when the Poetic Peace Pilgrimage was conceived  on this fifth day five years ago…

awakening with cold feet on this day to go wild,

to warm them up, i begin with a SMILE…

flowing in love now, each breath a thanksgiving,

being love in this moment, every breath a peace prayer passing all understanding…


breathing deeply in our one heart’s embrace,

dancing silence and stillness in this field of grace

reverencing the beauty of a new born rose,

opens the heart wider melting ice floes


Poetic PEACE Pilgrim now prepares to march forth

flowing in rhythm, one with source

tuning into the cosmic hum

surrendering and trusting in what’s to come…


free and easy wanderer, dancing star,

when cold feet return and doubts arise,

come home to the breath with closed eyes

come home to the breath, wanderer from afar…


may we all be empty bowls to be filled to overflowing with lovingkindness and peace passing understanding…