i have arrived, i am home in the eternal now, this present moment…
to live simply and wholeheartedly in a willow tree who offers her branches freely as resting space for great mystery to breathe us sacredly…
here, in this home of flow, this openhearted place of welcome, perch and listen for the hum, vibrational tune of whispering wind, spirit waves of spiraling notes… singing of love and devotion across the many splendored vast wild ocean of ever changing being… always different, always the same…
in this place of deep repose, i hear waters falling home, singing of a secret joy deep within, always present in the moment, listen to source and tune within to the music of the spheres, haunting melody animating all, cosmic harmony ringing out a call…
in this moment, our one heart’s a tree providing belonging space for you and for me to sing our soul song of mystery… many voices, one frequency… multiversed universiddhi… shanti, shanti, shantihi…