Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 36 – 1/21/2018

Lee,Chang W. - from camera serial number NYTCREDIT: Chang W. Lee/The New York Times

Lee,Chang W. – from camera serial number NYTCREDIT: Chang W. Lee/The New York Times

how auspicious! the astonishing light of being weekly image falls on this weekend when people all over the world come together once again to stand together, to march together, to witness together our solidarity with all our relations…

thousands and thousands speaking truth to power…

we are standing together in love for love knowing this most powerful medicine, love, trumps hate…

we are standing together in peace for peace knowing all life is sacred…

we are standing together in respect seeing the inner light dwelling in all…

we are standing together in strength, both fierce and gentle, empowered to go the distance and keep the faith…

we are standing together for equality and justice and freedom and a world that works for all..

today, we see the world coming together, each one of us picking up a thread to weave the new story, knit the new world founded on justice and guided by love where everyone is in belonging to the whole, vital for the weaving of the interconnected web of life in a circle forever unbroken…

let us celebrate the astonishing light of our being through music… below are the lyrics and video showcasing an inspiring group of women from all over the states who practiced online and then came together at last year’s march meeting for the first time… yes to re-joy-sing, yes to harmony…  it’s been suggested that this song become our anthem, hell yes to that as well… agree?


put on your face
know your place
shut up and smile
don’t spread your legs
I could do that

But no one knows me no one ever will
if I don’t say something, if I just lie still
Would I be that monster, scare them all away
If I let the-em hear what I have to say

I can’t keep quiet, no oh oh oh oh oh oh
I can’t keep quiet, no oh oh oh oh oh oh
A one woman riot, oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

I can’t keep quiet
For anyone

Cuz no one knows me no one ever will
if I don’t say something, take that dry blue pill
they may see that monster, they may run away
But I have to do this, do it anyway
I can’t keep quiet, no oh oh oh oh oh oh
I can’t keep quiet, no oh oh oh oh oh oh
A one woman riot, oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh I can’t keep quiet

Let it out Let it out
Let it out now
There’ll be someone who understands
Let it out Let it out
Let it out now
Must be someone who’ll understand
Let it out Let it out
Let it out now
There’ll be someone who understands
Let it out Let it out
Let it out now

I can’t keep quiet

Written by MILCK and AG
Produced by AG

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 35 – 1/20/2018

Named Journeying 20 Peace means - Dalai Lama

today marks the one year anniversary of the peaceful transfer of power in the united states of  america at a moment of deep uncertainty on the world clock… for this moment and for every moment, i resolve to follow the words of  the Dalai Lama and resolve differences peacefully and be what Buddha calls us to be… yes, today, i pick up my thread from the unraveled world tapestry and resolve to weave a new story/re-member the ancient dream of the people… thousandfold thanks for doing the same, for in our coming together to stand in love for love and acting from this sacred space, this field of mutuality, we are the beloved community bending the arc towards justice…

as we go deep within to kindle the inner fire burning away what does not serve this purpose of peaceful co-existance, let us contemplate the right use of power…

Psalm 15

Lord, who can be trusted with power,
and who may act in your place?
Those with a passion for justice,
who speak the truth from their hearts;
who have let go of selfish interests
and grown beyond their own lives;
who see the wretched as their family
and the poor as their flesh and blood.
They alone are impartial
and worthy of the people’s trust.
Their compassion lights up the whole earth,
and their kindness endures forever.

(A Book of Psalms, translations by Stephen Mitchell)

may we all resolve to use power passionately in the service of justice speaking truth from our one heart and being compassion and lovingkindness in every thought, word and deed…  thank you for being peace… namaste…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 34 – 1/19/2018

Named Journeying 19 Yosemite Peace Lake

today as i witness the world as it is, i re-member the words of the Dalai Lama about our island home desperately needing more peacemakers, healers, restorers, lovers and storytellers which reminds me of an old legend of the first peoples of this land…

a legend about a savior named deganawida, the peacemaker, originating over a thousand years ago during the final decades of pre-columbian america at a time like now, a time of pervasive fear and instability in the iroquois world when a young virgin gave birth to a son… she was told in a dream that “your child will be a messenger of the creator and will bring peace and harmony to the people on earth.”

when deganawida came of age he told his mother, “I shall now build my canoe from white stone, for the time has come for me to start my mission in this world. I know I must travel afar on lakes and rivers to seek out the council smoke of nations beyond this lake. It is now time for me to go stop the shedding of blood among human beings.”

as deganawida began his mission he first encountered a group of hunters who were fleeing from the bloodshed in the their own village and he instructed them: “Go back to your people and tell them that the Good News of Peace and Righteousness has come to your nation.”

the peacemaker’s mission, as the many accounts of the legend make clear, was to reestablish the natural equilibrium on which the well being of individuals, societies, and the whole of creation depends… deganawida achieved this mission by healing them—by “making their minds straight.” deganawida’s role was not that of a warrior, but a redemptive shaman—a healer… he was quite explicit about the mission: “health means peace, for that is what comes when minds are sane and bodies are cared for.”

may we all be peacemakers every moment…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 33 – 1/18/2018

Named Journeying 18 Heart Silence

to be with a horse is to ride the sky

kissing separation and constriction goodbye

to be with a horse is to leap into an ocean

as vast and embracing as the radiance of devotion

to be with a horse is to feel sheltered

healing each other without one word

to be with a horse is feeling the wind

beneath broken wings, now, on the mend

to be with a horse is to journey into core

arriving home on the heart of the shore


Named January Jewels 18 Heart-Ocean

may we all in joy days of riding the wind

one with our wounds now on the mend

om shanti shanti shantihi

namaste, beloveds

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 32 – 1/17/2018

Named Journeying 17 Rumi Flowing Water Whale Watching.

let us take this wild and precious moment to put compassion into action by being lovingkindness as we join with the caravan of re-joy-sing to sing out to all our relations a song of strength, a song of courage, a song of spirit, a song of wisdom to hold us in the hard times inspiring our taking one more step when we feel we can’t go on and to open our one heart ever wider to and for each other as we all suffer losses each and every day with dreams changing form and flying away… everything is fleeting, only love is real, so, may we walk in beauty around the prayer wheel… may we be true refuge for all our relations sheltering each other through storms and desolation, returning home with each breath to create anew, a more beautiful cosmos, holy ground for me and you… may we comfort each other rekindling our inner flame circle dancing joyously together  once again…


Oh Great Spirit, we raise smoke to the four sacred winds and the four corners, so that the blessings can reach our brothers and sisters in every corner of Great Mother Earth, while the smoke disperses all over Father Sky, lit by Mother Moon.

Let the smoke pass to each their blessing
and do away with all sorrows and unhappiness,
fill their homes with love, and the light of your wisdom.
If any be sick, cure them,
If sad, make them happy,
If they have needs, fulfill them.
Protect them from all evil. Please Father, keep them well in good health,
give them long life and wealth. Give them all your love as they love you.
They can give testimony to your power and mercy, and most important your love.
Oh Great Spirit, we love you with all our heart as we love our brothers and sisters all. We are your servants and theirs. We ask for only one thing – give us strength to keep going on doing as we do on this spirit path.
And so it is! Amen.
~ Native American Blessing ~

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 31 – 1/16/2018

Named Journeying 16 moon new blessings

today’s pilgrimage has a magical mystery tour quality, a perfect backdrop for drawing down the the powerful energies of the first new moon of the new year and a perfect moment to be still and listen in a deeper way to our one cosmic heart’s whisperings for us all to invoke our shared quantum field of infinite possibilities and set our intentions for moonifesting a cosmos of harmony where our heart beats as one resonant unitive field…

in this moment, this beautiful moment, let’s cultivate the magical sea goat’s ability for receptive waiting by going into “thinking like a mountain” eternity consciousness… breathing in and breathing out, float down to the river below the river where we see the polished stone whose jagged edges have been smoothed out by currents and whirlpools and floods and snow and glacier melts over the aeons and watch as this stone now rises revealing its true self as a mountain peak of quiet endurance and majestic calm, unmovable and imperturbable…

like the mountain peak, we are in our core, constant and true and able to follow Capricorn’s lead to climb every mountain, to fulfill our shared dharma, our right way of living – to co-create a cosmos of harmony, heaven on earth… now is the moment to plant the energy intentions, to seed our shared field with the resonance of co-creation, co-llaboration and beloved communion… breathing in and breathing out our shared dream intention for a cosmos of true refuge for all our relations… sacred space of living from the inside out  and moonifesting purpose, peace, prosperity and unity…

may we all shine our light…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 30 – 1/15/2018

Named Journeying 15 MLK Quote

on this ides of January, the moon of dreaming, let us celebrate the birth of one of our foremost modern day prophets who dreamed of his little children living in a world where they were judged by their character rather than their color, a dream still being dreamed today along with his call of sixty years ago to face the challenge of the new age with the creation of beloved community for only love transforms the fear of the old paradigm into the gladness of a new paradigm by opening our hearts to the miracle frequency of boundless love…  “darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that”…

Happy Birthday, Martin! celebrating you today with great faith in what is and what is coming… may we all journey with you to the mountain top where we tune in and listen to the celestial hum mapping out the path of the freedom road and journey a thousand miles and more without lifting a foot… loving how the circle of co-creators is expanding exponentially, a fractal of the universe we are… loving the flight into freedom we are sharing and so thankful for all of our relations whom have paved, are paving and will pave the way…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 29 – 1/14/2018

Named Journeying 14 Joan of Arc Badass

today’s pilgrimage calls for a special image as today’s a special day, one of my favorites… in addition to being the sharing an image with you representing your lightness of being, today is also the birthday of  my crown jules and another long-revered shero – joan of arc…

it is so fitting to mark this day, this wild and precious moment of divine feminine rising with this call to trust inner wisdom and proceed courageously always knowing that love always finds the way…

with deep bows and enormous gratitude, today’s pilgrimage is dedicated to my beautiful daughter, juliette, a surefooted capricorn child of the earth and to all children of the earth, our natural teachers of lovingkindness and compassion… on the occasion of the anniversary of your birth, i am seeing such an amazing turn around the sun for you, for us all…


yes! this is the year to take flight

to be dreamweavers of translucent, rainbow light

our cosmic heart soaring to an unimaginable height

yes! this is the year to take flight


what a joy to travel the way of the heart… invisible, infolding pathway of presence, trust, surrender, devotion hypnotically calling us home to true refuge… this moment, this beautiful moment of boundless love, of taking flight on the wings of  love’s angelic waves…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 28 – 1/13/2018

Named Journeying 13 Sunflower Field in April

ah yes, now is the moment to dream of the seeds to plant soon enough, the seeds of the new moon, the potentials for the new year…  like you, i’m a gardener of the heart intending on continuing to plant seeds of devotion of peace and stillness and silence and magic and rainbows…  what seeds will you be planting and cultivating and watering with love?

as i dream riotously in the underground, just as i can see the sunflower seeds in full bloom, i also see the blossoming of an intention and commitment to be in wholehearted communion with the cosmos as i wander in wonder in every moment being more and more loving presence and more and more trust and more and more surrender or softening into what is… here in the dream lodge, the cave of the womb of inner knowing  where everything shapeshifts, as do we, into no thing… no attachments, no possessions, no fixed identity… everything shapeshifting into flow, currents of water, waves of light… dormancy deepens trust in invisible flowering already organically unfolding in the rhythm of beloved…

how i love this pathless path…

“All paths are the same: they lead nowhere. … Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn’t, it is of no use. Both paths lead nowhere; but one has a heart, the other doesn’t. One makes for a joyful journey; as long as you follow it, you are one with it. The other makes you curse your life. One makes you strong…”
― Carlos Castaneda, The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 27 – 1/12/2018

Named Journeying 12 Wanderer Visioning

Do not be satisfied with the stories that came before you. Unfold your own myth.


today’s frequency calls us to walk the path of silence in the dream cave as holy fool, wanderer of wonder, trusting in one’s elf to leap off of ledges into waiting angels’ wings, to dream of a cosmos where we wage peace with lovingkindness and compassion from our shared deep well of radical generosity…

on today’s  journey, i re-member a moment of stretching and traveling to a place i have not been before…  appearing as serendipity, a gift of wonder, i witness one, two, three, four rainbows with one disappearing and another appearing in its wake… with no sign of sun, the gray, rainy sky was transformed with rainbows… until this mpment, i thought of the sky as blue, gray or black… now, i know sky is rainbow, what a grace to dance the rainbow path…

holy illumination! seeing the world as it is… rainbow mystery…