journeying january is the moon for cosmic dreaming… a large part of this big dream for me is making every moment a moment of peace… to empower this intention for this new turn around the sun, i’m rising with brother sun and practicing tonglen, a for giveness purification perfuming every moment with freeing compassion… i love seeing the jewel of forgiveness as peace and as a freedom fragrance bringing both peace and freesingus for giving…
let’s journey now to a healing place… in the center of this true refuge is a jewelry box with many drawers, some filled with hurts… choose a drawer and empty the hurt into the light… let go of resentment and heartache allowing it to float into the light and disappear… once the drawer is empty, watch as it turns to sand and the wind blows it away…
if/when there are ever other hurts to be emptied, this healing space is always here for you…
shanti, shanti, shantihi…