They are the chosen ones who have surrendered.
Once they were particles of light
now they are the radiant sun.~ Rumi ~
Holy Synchronicity/Synchronisiddhi!
it’s christmas eve and the moment for the weekly installment of sharing an image that shows you the light of your being in dark times… last night we traveled through a snowy field to arrive at stonehenge to await the arrival of the sun, today i’m in a snowy field in portalandia taking a sacred pause with my teacher with sacred paws who is so excited by this snowy day and the coming of the son/sun…
This love bug child and I are taking this moment, this beautiful moment to speak only of love, love in this moment, love in every moment…
may our heart stay loving and open when we feel frayed and hurt
may we always include all our relations in love’s vast embrace
may our heart remain pure and kind amidst the muck of life
may virtue and serenity belong to all including our enemies
may our brokenheartedness open our heart ever wider
bringing forth greater love and compassion…
may this holyday season nourish your spirit, nurture your hope, sustain you in the call for justice guided by love and inspire deep peace in the running waves of the ocean…