on this third day of celebrating soulstice, of standing still with the sun, of celebrating the return of the light, join me at stonehenge, a sacred space of celebrating high holy days…
what a great inward journey we’ve been on these last few weeks and now we arrive home in the first soular gateway to plant seeds of intention, seeds that will ripen and birth our truth…
let’s take this moment of sacred pause to breathe together… get comfortable, breathe naturally and with each inhale, inspire your strengths, your beauty, your couragge and your wisdom…
now, place your hnds on your heart wombspace, your belly, the core of our being breathing these qualities, these virtues, these gifts, these presents, this presence deeply in to every wild cell in your body while listening for the echos reverberating from the deeps…
as we listen, let’s begin spiral dancing down, down, down into a field of snow where we can see stonehenge ahead through the mists and a gathering of we-moon from across the cosmos to celebrate light… feel your ancestors here and all of us energetically holding hands and feeling the divine light of love passing from one to another to another…
oh, she who births the light under the cosmic new moon, teach us and show us the way to birth our truth…
as we pause and listen, release all to pachamama surrendering and softening into gaia, earth mother…
notice now the first light beginning to appear over the stones warming our hearts and seeding what we are to birth…
thank you great mother, we bless and honor you…
namaste, beloveds…