today whilst making that mythical journey of a thousand miles, i have so many moments to reflect on and appreciate this archetypal journey home into the present moment and to chant a continuous metta, lovingkindness for us all…
may we all be free from suffering
may we all be free from fear
may we all be free from anxiety
may we all be more loving
may we all be more trusting
may we all awaken to our true nature of peace and joy
on every step of this never ending journey, may i walk these simple words…
My simple prayer is that in all things I learn to love well.
That I learn to touch the ever-changing
seasons of life with a great heart of compassion.
That I live with the peace and justice
I wish for all earth.
That I learn to care fully and let go gracefully.
That I enjoy the abundance of the earth
and return to it from the natural generosity
that is our human birthright.
That through my own life,
through joy and sorrow,
in thought, work, and deed
I bring benefit and blessings to all that lives.
That my heart and the hearts of all beings
learn to be free.
~ Jack Kornfield ~