Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 319 – 10/31/2017

Named Open October 31 Blessing the Space Between Us Nags Head 2014 2 019

we all breathe together… we all breathe together more and more loving presence and more and more trust and more and more surrender into the creative process of love where we are all walking each other home to the heart of the present moment, the only moment, the all that is… all breathing together in perfect cosmic harmony where all is well eternally…

love, love, love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 318 – 10/30/2017

Named Open October 30 stonehenge on samhain

the pacific northwest provides a perfect backdrop today for  the eve of all hallow’s eve, an ancient celtic fire festival  known as samhain, dia de muertos, howloween…  a season for leaping into the void and welcoming the oncoming darkness and accompanying reflection cycle while honoring the spirits now present during the thinning of veils between upper and lower worlds… yes, the pacific northwest serves as a perfect backdrop with her blustery winds and earth softened soil ready to receive divination and other worldly communications in this season of letting all fall away, of coming home to essence, coming home to the present moment, to the breath of eternal life…

when we surrender to this natural movement of our soul, we can and must bring forth pieces of the personal and collective shadow that need to come into the light for healing, evolving, becoming… yes to letting the hallows dance of life begin!

howlelujah!  we celebrate however you name this day as a witching hour calling for culling, releasing, co-creating changes in consciousness/weaving magic… in this liminal space, we prepare the nest for the birth of the new, a sacred space for us to be like shedding snakes or trees… shedding our old skins or leaves and resting in the dark while the fire turns to ash and is spread on the earth to germinate the new…

a day to reflect on what to die to, what to let go of as we embark on a journey of trust and surrender into the unknown… a day to connect with ancestors and the unchanging wisdom of the sages…

a day to dance in the dark, in great mystery… a day to surrender to the rhythm of eternity… in truth, there is no separation… no veils, no closed doors, no locked gates… today, let us release limitation and loosen the sail of imagination… let us valorously sally forth and stand unconditionally in a gathering of boundless love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 317 – 10/29/2017

Named Open October 29 Astonishing Light of Being 10-29-17 Shining Light

for  this week’s edition of, I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being, i come in gratitude for these times of darkness when  the astonishing light of being presences our lives as we welcome the present moment as openly as a hollow reed…


When your eyes are tired
the world is tired also.
When your vision has gone
no part of the world can find you.
It’s time to go into the night
where the dark has eyes
to recognize its own.
It’s time to go into the dark
where the night has eyes
to recognize its own.
There you
can be sure
you are not beyond love.
The dark will make a home for you tonight.
The night
will give you a horizon
further than you can see.
You must learn one thing.
The world was made to be free in.
Give up all the other worlds
except the one to which you belong.
Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet
confinement of your aloneness
to learn
anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive
is too small for you.

David Whyte

yes, thank you  for this eternal present moment revealing the radiance of being truly alive…

 Here comes the sun (doo doo doo doo)
Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s all right
Little darling, it’s been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it’s been here
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s all right
Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it’s been here
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s all right
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it’s been clear
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s all right
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s all right
It’s all right

~ The Beatles ~

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 316 – 10/28/2017

Named Open October 28 Everything is Sacred

in this moment, this eternal moment, breathe in deeply earth mother’s love…

standing silently in her sacred heart center, breathe out expansively to the skies above

listen intently as the wind whispers soulfully, singing us home to the river below

in this moment, this eternal moment, open with abandon to the fire of the inner glow

always present lighting the way, always present every moment of the day

great mystery, thank you for breathing us into presence…

thank you central sun for coloring the cosmos in rainbow arcs of radiant love surrounding us, bathing us, transmuting us into pure light within essence

radiant beings of  the great turning…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 315 – 10/27/2017

Named Open October 27 Metolius River 11-7 and 11-8-15 051

in the present moment, the only moment

free of  fear, opinion, judgement, rigidity, history…

open, a hollow reed one with creativity creating creation

on fire with curiosity, loving unfolding mystery, listening to still waters drawing us deeper and deeper

home to the heart of presence

the stillpoint of creation

where there’s only

dancing mystery

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 314 – 10/26/2017

Named Open October 26 moon new black

Each day has a moment of eternity waiting for you.

Each day has a portal, a threshold, a liminal moment in which everything could open up and reveal itself to the eye that can see.

~ William Blake ~

such a day it is in the land of portals as we approach the dark time of the turning… the moment when the eye sees better and the veils are thin, eternity is nearby, revelation is at hand… nothing to hold onto, simply be open to what is in this moment, the only moment, the eternal now…

may we all face the darkness in reverence bringing us to greater presence…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 313 – 10/25/2017

Named Open October 25 Howard Zinn To Be Hopeful Whale Watching 2014 010

on the heels of celebrating United Nations Day and Global Oneness Day, may we continue to stand together in love and hope re-membering ourstory is built on compassion, sacrifice, courage and loving kindness…


Let our standing be a mindful gesture:  mindful of the ground on which we are standing, the one little plot of land on this earth not belonging to one nation, but to all nations united.  It is a very small piece of land, indeed, but it is a symbol of human concord, a symbol of the truth that this poor, mistreated earth belongs to all of us together.

As we stand, then, like plants standing on a good plot of ground, let us sink our roots deep into our hidden unity.  Allow yourself to feel what it means to stand and to extend your inner roots.

Rooted in the soil of the heart, let us expose ourselves to the wind of the Spirit, the one Spirit who moves all who let themselves be moved.  Let us breathe deeply the breath of the one Spirit.

Let our standing bear witness that we take a stand on common ground.

Let our standing be an expression of reverence for all those who before us have taken a stand for human unity.

Let us stand with reverence on the ground of our common human endeavor, joining all those who stood on this ground, from the first shaper of tools to the engineers of the most complex machines and institutions.

Let us stand with reverence on the common ground of the human quest for meaning, side by side with all who ever stood on this ground in their searching thought, in their celebration of beauty, in their dedicated service.

Let us stand in reverence before all those who on our common ground stood up to be counted, stood up – and were cut down.

Let us remember that to stand up as we have now stood up implies a readiness to lay down one’s life for that for which one stands.

Let us stand in awe before those thousands upon thousands – known and unknown – who have laid down their lives for the common cause of our human family.

Let us bow our heads.  Let us bow our heads to them.

Let us stand and bow our heads, because we stand under judgment.

We stand under judgment, for “One is the human Spirit.”  If we are one with the heroes and prophets, we are also one with those who persecuted and killed them.  One with the henchmen as we are one with the victims.  We all share the glory of human greatness and the shame of human failure.

Allow me to invite you now to focus your mind on the most inhuman act of destruction you can find in your memory.  And now take this, together with all human violence, all human greed, injustice, stupidity, hypocrisy, all human misery, and lift it all up, with all the strength of your heart, into the stream of compassion and healing that pulsates through the heart of the world – that center in which all our hearts are one.  This is not an easy gesture.  It may almost seem too difficult for some of us.  But until we can reach and tap with our deepest roots this common source of concord and compassion, we have not yet claimed within our own hearts that oneness that is our common human birthright.

Standing firm, then, in this oneness, let us close our eyes.

Let us close our eyes to bring home to ourselves our blindness as we face the future.

Let us close our eyes to focus our minds on the inner light, our one common light, in whose brightness we shall be able to walk together even in the dark.

Let us close our eyes as a gesture of trust in the guidance of the one Spirit who will move us if we open our hearts.

“One is the human Spirit,” but the human Spirit is more than human, because the human heart is unfathomable.  Into this depth let us silently sink our roots.  There lies our only source of peace.

In a moment, when I will invite you to open again your eyes, I will invite you also to turn in this Spirit to the person next to you with greeting of peace.  Let our celebration culminate and conclude in this gesture, by which we will send one another forth as messengers of peace.  Let us do this now.

Peace be with you all!

amazingly, this prayer was not created for today’s day of action but was led by Brother David Steindl-Rast at a gathering of spiritual leaders at the 30th Anniversary of the United Nations, October 24, 1975.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 312 – 10/24/2017

Named Open October 24 Oneness - All My Relations

today, as we celebrate global oneness day, we re-member the ancient story arising anew of the unitive field of oneness we are with a birthright of cooperation and collaboration passed forward from one to another over the millennia calling us to create a world where peace is built with justice and justice is guided by love…

let us rise up singing in thanks to the spirits, the mighty wind of creation…


possessing our voice, wind sings through me and thee

transmuting us into the wild deep sea…

like  the waves of devocean, we are rolling rhythm

humming wind’s melody, the eternal aum…

when we hear these long lost chords, may we  dance merrily…

awakening deep wonder in great mystery

breathing, being flowing wind liturgy

singing our one cosmic pure heart’s ecstasy

being in lak’ech with every breath eternally…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 311 – 10/23/2017

Named Open October 23 Pathless Path Metolius River 11-8-15 080

more and more loving presence and more and more trust and more and more surrender…

a day of journeying into the unknown, letting go of the path well trod to walk beside the river of the beyond and face the challenge of rising up and shining forth in the wilderness…

more and more loving presence and more and more trust and more and more surrender…

a day of standing tall and seeing through and letting go with an open heart…

more and more loving presence and more and more trust and more and more surrender…

a day of giving up control to allow a greater power, nobility of spirit, to author the way…

more and more loving presence and more and more trust and more and more surrender…

may we all shine brightly in the wilderness as we walk each other home along the pathless path…

more and more loving presence and more and more trust and more and more surrender…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 310 – 10/22/2017

Named Open October 22 Blessed-are-the-weird-web1

thousandfold thanks for the weird people, creative rebels, imaginal cells of real-eye-sing… those astonishing lights of being who rekindle our flame by setting their lives on fire and fanning the flames of all relatives in the field…

– Beatitudes for the Weird –
by Jacob Nordby

Blessed are the weird people
—poets, misfits, writers, mystics
heretics, painters & troubadours—
for they teach us to see the world through different eyes

Blessed are those who embrace the intensity of life’s pain and pleasure,
for they shall be rewarded with uncommon ecstasy.

Blessed are ye who see beauty in ugliness,
for you shall transform our vision of how the world might be.

Blessed are the bold and whimsical,
for their imagination shatters ancient boundaries of fear for us all.

Blessed are ye who are mocked for unbridled expression of love in all its forms, because your kind of crazy is exactly that freedom for which the world is unconsciously begging.

Blessed are those who have endured breaking by life,
for they are the resplendent cracks through which the light shines.

from Blessed Are the Weird – A Manifesto for Creatives

today’s re-joy-sing of the astonishing light of being is dedicated to George, a quintessential astonishing light who leapt into the fire today… safe passage as you wander in wonder through boundless sky…