today is one beautiful moment of amazing grace, all the sweeter for the long and winding road that the stars guided by pulling the thread of fate, the invisible nourishing cord attached to the soul long before the umbilical cord appears…
today is one beautiful moment of amazing grace, all the sweeter for returning to this sacred dream space of reflection to contemplate this deep passage of surrendering into love, of coming home to the mystery of interbeing… yesterday, i lived the quest of to be or not to be until re-membering flowed… we live in the multidimensional paradox of both/and, to be and not to be, to interbe…
thousandfold thanks for the crisis of sight with the concurrent danger of blindness and the opportunity of all seeing and thousandfold thanks for moving my feet one more step and one more step and thousandfold thanks for opening the heart a little wider giving a lens to see the quintessential purity of everything…