Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 235 – 8/8/2017

Named Astonishing August 8 lions-in-love

are you feeling the energy of your inner lioness, the divine feminine, roaring gently into all your wild cells and quickening the rhythmic flow of love and compassion?

yes, today the doors of love and compassion are flung wide open for all to breeze through with our courageous lionhearts into this brave new world of lovingkindness and compassion….

let’s all take this moment, this beautiful moment. to bask in the radiant light streaming through us to see all that is as it truly is… a beautyway of love and light…

i see you… i am you… i honor you… i love you… i love you… i love you…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 234 – 8/7/2017

Named Astonishing August 7 PEACE Cranes with sadako

On this transformational day of lunar lammas, may we draw down the energy of this powerful full moon lunar eclipse in aquarius to manifest our deepest dream of peace in the world…

Seventy-two years ago, Sadako was 2 years old when the atomic bomb was dropped on her city… Nine years later she developed the atomic bomb disease, leukemia. Hearing the ancient Japanese story that says when you fold 1000 paper cranes your wish will be granted, Sadako folded 644 cranes with her wish for healing before she died at twelve years old.

Inspired by her courage and strength, her friends and classmates dreamed of creating a monument to memorialize their friend and all children killed by the bomb. Young people all over the land of the rising sun realized their dream a couple of years later when in 1958 a statue of Sadako holding a golden crane was unveiled in Hiroshima Peace Park. The children also made a wish. It is inscribed at the bottom of the statue and reads:

“This is our cry, This is our prayer, Peace in the world”.

Today, people all over the world continue to fold paper cranes and send them to Sadako’s monument in Hiroshima.

May there be peace on earth and may it begin with me and thee…

Om, shanti, shanti, shanti….

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 233 – 8/6/2017

Named Astonishing August 6 Blessing Dream Oceanside Dreams 031

One can’t believe impossible things.” said Alice
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen.
When I was your age, I always did it for a half an hour a day.
Why, sometime, I believed as many as six
impossible things before breakfast.” 
~ Lewis Carroll ~

in addition to being For Giveness Day, it is also Astonishing Light of Being Impossible Dreams Day in this moon of Astonishing August… speaking of which, we are a few short hours away from the amazing full moon in aquarius with partial lunar eclipse on the high holy day of lunar lammas… yes! transformation is in the air with the ending of old cycles and the beginning of a brave new world… can you hear her breathing? are you ready to climb aboard  Earthship 2017?

“Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.”

~ Edgar Cayce ~


may we draw down the energy of  this full moon of transformation dreaming impossible dreams and manifesting them here on  earth today…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 232 – 8/5/2017

Named Astonishing August 5 PEACE in Hiroshima Atomic_Bomb_Dome_Aug_2016.

I was dead, then alive.
Weeping, then laughing.
The power of love came into me,
and I became fierce like a lion,
then tender like the evening star.

~ Rumi ~

the children of the earth gathered today in front of the Atomic Dome in the Hiroshima Memorial Park at exactly the time 72 years earlier that an explosion of atoms shattered the world… today, as the millions gather in front of the dome and across the world, we gather for an explosion of a different sort… an explosion of love, a chorus of voices with every country in the world represented in one unified prayer for peace…

yes, the heart of all our relations choir is now unstoppable… yes, peace prevails on earth…

thousandfold thanks for standing together in love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 231 – 8/4/2017

Named Astonishing August 4 Fiery Dance by Vladimir Kush

The Fire

Listen, I’ve light
in my eyes
and on my skin
the warmth of a star, so strange
is this
that I
can barely comprehend it:
I think
I’ll lift my face to it, and then
I lift my face,
and don’t even know how
this is done.  And
everything alive
(and everything’s
alive) is turning
into something else
as at the heart
of some annihilating
or is it creating
that’s burning, unseeably, always
burning at such speeds
as eyes cannot
detect, just try
to observe your own face
growing old
in the mirror, or
is it beginning
to be born?

~ Franz Wright ~


dreams of fire – is it fires of purification or annihilation or are they one and the same – have been dancing across the consciousness field, dreaming me for days, long before the blistering heat wave and raging wildfires that permeate our days here in the pacific northwest… through burning eyes and sweltering, sedating body heat, i feel the annihilation of all that’s inessential, the burning away of the chaff, the releasing of the rust, the polishing and burnishing the mirror until it reflects pure love, the only thing that’s real, that’s eternal, that’s ever expanding in widening waves of light moving us in deepening spirals into the center of being simply ourselves…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 230 – 8/3/2017

Named Astonishing August 3 Tahoma Equinox 2014 009+

i love beginning each moon/month with this beautiful blessing… astonishing light of being august is no exception as we all step onto new ground under a moon waxing full on this path that’s been quietly forming in the background simply awaiting our awakening to the astonishing light of being…

 i hold a vision for this moon, for every moon, of every cell of our ever expanding cosmos to meditate on peace, breathing peace, singing peace and  for this peace prayer to flow in waves across the planet and create our world anew… today, is perfect for expanding the original vision to  include everyone of us loving our one heart… please, take this moment, this wild precious moment to love boundlessly, for giving love is the most powerful medicine, the most healing elixir – such a divine way to create holy ground today…

recognizing the great benefit of loving all our relations, may we bring all beings to joy, harmony and peace through  devocean…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 229 – 8/2/2017

Named Astonishing August 2 Traveling 001

welcome to a wild moon ride month full of light, love, joy, peace and traveling in an awakened way on the path of transformation moving more deeply into the sacred space of wholehearted emptiness… when we feel the rug has been pulled out from under us, when we feel we are groundless stillness, when we feel the reality of non-dwelling, of being exploded and dissolved into the atmosphere, then, we come home to the heart, one with all that is… here is a beautiful blessing for all our relatives as we travel the awakened spirit path…

Every time you leave home,
Another road takes you
Into a world you were never in.

New strangers on other paths await.
New places that have never seen you
Will startle a little at your entry.
Old places that know you well
Will pretend nothing
Changed since your last visit.

When you travel, you find yourself
Alone in a different way,
More attentive now
To the self you bring along,
Your more subtle eye watching
You abroad; and how what meets you
Touches that part of the heart
That lies low at home:

How you unexpectedly attune
To the timbre in some voice,
Opening in conversation
You want to take in
To where your longing
Has pressed hard enough
Inward, on some unsaid dark,
To create a crystal of insight
You could not have known
You needed
To illuminate
Your way.

When you travel,
A new silence
Goes with you,
And if you listen,
You will hear
What your heart would
Love to say.

A journey can become a sacred thing:
Make sure, before you go,
To take the time
To bless your going forth,
To free your heart of ballast
So that the compass of your soul
Might direct you toward
The territories of spirit
Where you will discover
More of your hidden life,
And the urgencies
That deserve to claim you.

May you travel in an awakened way,
Gathered wisely into your inner ground;
That you may not waste the invitations
Which wait along the way to transform you.

May you travel safely, arrive refreshed,
And live your time away to its fullest;
Return home more enriched, and free
To balance the gift of days which call you.

~ John O’Donohue ~

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 228 – 8/1/2017

Named Asonishing August 1 Angel of Light

Aloha Astonishing August! For almost a year now, beginning August 14 2017, i’ve been posting weekly segments on the astonishing light of being…  with so much light today and so much pouring in throughout this amazing moon, it calls for an honoring of divine light consciousness… a quest-ion i’m asking everyone is, are you noticing even when your eyes are totally shut and you are in darkness, you are still feeling so much light? it’s as if our eyelid veils are lifting and light is everywhere… let’s turn now to a favorite poem on how to paint this light…


I asked a hundred painters and a hundred poets
how to paint sunlight
on the face of life
Their answers were ambiguous and ingenuous
as if they were all guarding trade secrets
Whereas it seems to me
all you have to do
is conceive of the whole world
and all humanity
as a kind of art work
a site-specific art work
an art project of the god of light
the whole earth and all that’s in it
to be painted with light

And the first thing you have to do
is paint out postmodern painting
And the next thing is to paint yourself
in your true colors
in primary colors
as you see them
(without whitewash)
paint yourself as you see yourself
without make-up
without masks
Then paint your favorite people and animals
with your brush loaded with light
And be sure you get the perspective right
and don’t fake it
because one false line leads to another

And then paint the high hills
when the sun first strikes them
on an autumn morning
with your palette knife
lay it on
the cadmium yellow leaves
the ochre leaves
the vermillion leaves
of the New England autumn
and paint the ghost light of summer nights
and the light of the midnight sun
which is moon light
And don’t paint out the shadows made by light

for without chiaroscuro you’ll have shallow pictures
So paint all the dark corners too
everywhere in the world
all the hidden places and minds and hearts
which light never reaches
all the caves of ignorance and fear
the pits of despair
the sloughs of despond
and write plain upon them
“Abandon all despair, ye who enter here”

And don’t forget to paint
all those who lived their lives
as bearers of light
Paint their eyes
and the eyes of every animal
and the eyes of beautiful women
known best for the perfection of their breasts
and the eyes of men and women
known only for the light of their minds
Paint the light of their eyes
the light of sunlit laughter
the song of eyes
the song of birds in flight.

And remember that the light is within
if it is anywhere
and you must paint from the inside
Start with purity
with pure white
the pure white of gesso
the pure white of cadmium white
the pure white of flake white
the pure virgin canvas
the pure life we all begin with

Turner painted sunlight
with egg tempera
(which proved unstable)
and Van Gogh did it with madness
and the blood of his ear
(also unstable)
and the Impressionists did it
by never using black
And the Abstract Expressionists did it
with white house paint
But you can do it with the pure pigment
(if you can figure out the formula)
of your own true light
But before you strike the first blow
on the virgin canvas
remember its fragility
life’s extreme fragility
and remember its innocence
its original innocence
before you strike the first blow

Or perhaps never strike it
And let the light come through
the inner light of the canvas
the inner light of the models posed
in the life study
the inner light of everyone
Let is all come through
like a pentimento
the light that’s been painted over
the life that’s been painted over
so many times
Let it surge to the surface
the painted-over image
of primal life on earth

And when you’ve finished your painting
stand back astonished
stand back and observe
the life on earth that you’ve created
the lighted life on earth
that you’ve created
a new brave world

~ Lawrence Ferlinghetti ~