It’s A Dog’s World…
indeed it is, jo is letting me, nia, aka ms radiance, write the post today… i’m just returning from my first overnight pilgrimage with the fam – what an adventure! we traveled to the land of the ufo festival to gather with a bunch of two leggeds to watch the total eclipse of the sun… the relatives of the human variety got all excited as the big ball of gas in the sky got more and more eclipsed by the moon… we all had to wear these special contraptions on our eyes, they tasted a lot better than they helped me see… my favorite part was licking the dew off the grass and bounding across the field like a jumping bean… the two leggeds loved it when for a split second everything went totally dark… howlelujah! they sounded like my ancestors, the woof clan, who teach that an eclipse on the new moon amplifies the new world’s birth… howlelujah!