The Fire
Listen, I’ve light
in my eyes
and on my skin
the warmth of a star, so strange
is this
that I
can barely comprehend it:
I think
I’ll lift my face to it, and then
I lift my face,
and don’t even know how
this is done. And
everything alive
(and everything’s
alive) is turning
into something else
as at the heart
of some annihilating
or is it creating
that’s burning, unseeably, always
burning at such speeds
as eyes cannot
detect, just try
to observe your own face
growing old
in the mirror, or
is it beginning
to be born?~ Franz Wright ~
dreams of fire – is it fires of purification or annihilation or are they one and the same – have been dancing across the consciousness field, dreaming me for days, long before the blistering heat wave and raging wildfires that permeate our days here in the pacific northwest… through burning eyes and sweltering, sedating body heat, i feel the annihilation of all that’s inessential, the burning away of the chaff, the releasing of the rust, the polishing and burnishing the mirror until it reflects pure love, the only thing that’s real, that’s eternal, that’s ever expanding in widening waves of light moving us in deepening spirals into the center of being simply ourselves…