for this week’s installment of showing you the astonishing light of being, gaze upon this image of our one ancestral heart overflowing with love…
The Ancestral Heart is beating everywhere…
in the eternal chorus of the ocean singing to the cliff,
in the silent whisper of the stones,
in the coyote howling to the moon,
in the twinkling eyes of children,
in your beloved’s hand holding yours,
in the smile of a stranger,
in the good, the true the beautiful that one can witness all over the planet….…the question is, am I quiet and still enough to recognize and hear it?
Stop..and listen.
To recognize the presence of those around us is an act of Love..
…an act of Love we that we can perform everyday.~ Sr Mai Nghiem ~
to anchor in the love you are, to re-member the astonishing light of being, write a letter to yourself celebrating the gifts of your being, the astonishing light of your loving presence.