Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 125 Days – 4/20/2017

Named Awakened April 20 Buddhists4 Climate Earth Love

every day is earth day… as we approach the forty-seventh year of global celebration in this space of great turning and cosmic rite of passage, i find myself listening on this day of poetic peace pilgrimage to prophets, poet activists…

Turning to One Another 

There is no power greater than a community discovering what it cares about.

Ask “What’s possible?” not “What’s wrong?” Keep asking.

Notice what you care about.

Assume that many others share your dreams.

Be brave enough to start a conversation that matters.

Talk to people you know.

Talk to people you don’t know.

Talk to people you never talk to.

Be intrigued by the differences you hear.

Expect to be surprised.

Treasure curiosity more than certainty.

Invite in everybody who cares to work on what’s possible.

Acknowledge that everyone is an expert about something.

Know that creative solutions come from new connections.

Remember, you don’t fear people whose story you know.

Real listening always brings people closer together.

Trust that meaningful conversations can change your world.

Rely on human goodness. Stay together.

~ Margaret Wheatley ~

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 124 Days – 4/19/2017

Named Awakened April 19 Heart Breathing.

flowing in beauty in the center of the wheel

re-membering, real-eye-sing only love is real

all my relations are teachers to me

inspiring compassion as the way to be

thank you, thank you, thank you words rise up to sing

being one with celestial bells that resoundingly  now ring

proclaiming a universal message to all my relations

to love one another as the highest of vibrations…


so many miles traveled in the course of this day, so many moments of being present and true, so much trust in and surrender to divine flow… an ordinary/extraordinary day of simply showing up wholeheartedly to align with beloved who shows the way through logjams and oil spills and detours of a dark and unknown terrain… a day of celebrating traversing the narrow passageway to the freedom of the other shore, a day of communion with spirits, visible and invisible, a day of love and light giving rise to our one heart soaring in liberated flight…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 123 Days – 4/18/2017

Named Awakened April 18 Bee blessed flower-1731223_960_720


“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Gospel of St. Matthew 5:3-10

Blessed Bee!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 122 Days – 4/17/2017

Named Awakened April 17 Prrayer of St Teresa

on this easter monday, i feel like a frog on a lily pad in a beautiful reflecting pond basking in the glow of the central sun as raindrops gently fall in a rhythm of timelessness, the space of re-membering all moments of resurrection from the dawning of the cosmos and celebrating them all in this moment, this moment of divine indulgence when the greatest service to offer the whole is simply being love now and now and now…

i’m imagining/seeing/feeling all our relations celebrating this moment as the only moment and the moment where we are all lasers beaming love… what a wonderful world, truly, a world filled with wonder and awe, a world we can deeply appreciate as we emulate frog’s pregnant pause and simply breathe in light and breathe out love…

yes, may we all experience the profound peace of the inner flowing wave and the rapturous joy of a field of dancing sunflowers in this moment, in every moment…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 121 Days – 4/16/2017

Named Awakened April 16 Astonishing Light of Being 4-16-17 Light I Am

how perfect it is that sharing a picture worth a thousand words of the astonishing light of your being falls on this day of celebration of resurrection and ascension, of the uniting of matter and spirit, of being reborn, of being in the world but not of the world…

take a good look at this picture of yourself and see your true nature, who you really are… breathe it in deeply to all your wild cells… paste it on your bathroom mirror, your computer screen, your smart phone and most importantly, in your heart, in our one heart…

now, may we all celebrate by dancing to the music…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 120 Days – 4/15/2017

Named Awakened April 15 Rumi Love Dancing

today i rest in the tomb feeling like sleeping beauty or a coming of age being who goes out alone in the wilderness to crawl into a hole in our earth mother and call for our name, our true name after going through crucifixion, dismemberment and facing our deepest fear of dying by “dying” before we die, dying to a fearful existence and opening the heart to all that comes and in such radical surrender, arising into a new way of being, a new life… life everlasting real-eye-sing there is no death, we and all our relations are immortal, called with every breath to invisibly arise and transform…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 119 Days – 4/14/2017

Named Awakened April 14 jung-crucifixion-duccio-final-ready

Earth, isn’t this what you want: an invisible arising in us?…What is your urgent command, if not transformation?
— Rilke, Ninth Duino Elegy


on this good friday, this day of crucifixion, i contemplate Rilke’s question as a centering thought and turn to one of my transformational teachers’ words of wisdom…

Nobody who finds himself on the road to wholeness can escape that characteristic suspension which is the meaning of crucifixion.

For he will infallibly run into things that thwart and “cross” him:

first, the thing he has no wish to be (the shadow);

second, the thing he is not (the “other,” the individual reality of the “You”);

and third, his psychic non-ego (the collective unconscious).

  The Psychology of the Transference
Collected Works 16
Paragraph 470
~Carl Jung ~

Yet, although the attributes of Christ (consubstantiality with the Father, co-eternity, filiation, parthenogenesis, crucifixion, Lamb sacrificed between opposites, One divided into Many, etc.) undoubtedly mark him out as an embodiment of the self, looked at from the psychological angle he corresponds to only one half of the archetype.

The other half appears in the Antichrist. The latter is just as much a manifestation of the self, except that he consists of its dark aspect.

Both are Christian symbols, and they have the same meaning as the image of the Saviour crucified between two thieves.

This great symbol tells us that the progressive development and differentiation of consciousness leads to an ever more menacing awareness of the conflict and involves nothing less than a crucifixion of the ego, its agonizing suspension between irreconcilable opposites.


Page 44

~ Carl Jung ~


suspending across the tensions of the opposites, letting go of everything is indeed not a path for the faint of heart… as Jesus tells us…

it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God (Matthew 19:24)

when one does answer the call to take up the cross, the symbol of wholeness, and walk the path of individuation crucifying the illusory egoic identity, one opens the portal to the SELF, sacred space of nothing/everything, cosmic consciousness, a sense of immortality, a uniting of the opposites bringing us to the doorway to heaven…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 118 Days – 4/13/2017

Named Awakened April 13 The-First-Supper

on this day celebrated in the christian world as Maunday Thursday, the last supper, this peace pilgrim invites you to pilgrimage with the caravan of re-joy-sing to the third chakra of the earth in Ayers Rock at Uluru, Australia where the world began to celebrate in complementary fashion, the first supper…


let us begin with a little clean-sing as we wash each others’ feet moving onto tao-sing as we anoint each other with holy water as we pass the peace seamlessly from one to another to another saying, “you are my beloved, i open my heart to you…


now, let us gather round the table for a deep communion of choosing love, an agape feast in the lower room with the third chakra of the earth in the background…

before we share the fruits of the earth that thirteen grandmothers offer for all our relations, let us take a moment to center ourselves…

The Lady’s Prayer

Our Lady, who lives at the heart of all form,
Hallowed be thy name.
May the Queendom come,
May thy Will be done
That heaven may come to earth.

Please allow me this day
To drink from your sacred, silver spring.
And forgive me my forgetting
As I learn through your Grace
To return all non love with Love.

And take me by the hand
And lead me step by step
Into the patient valley of your Heart

For yours is the earth, my body and my life
For ever and ever.

Richard Rudd

The Seven Sacred Seals Portals To Grace, 2015


may peace, love and joy be at the center of every breath…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 117 Days – 4/12/2017

Named Awakened April 12 Reflecting Circular Bridge

journey with me to the bend in the river

to reflect in silence the circular way

come home to the heart, sacred space of surrender

where love flows freely every moment of the day

to reflect in silence the circular way,

rest in the center of the whirling water wheel

where love flows freely every moment of the day

re-joy-sing in beloved’s whisperings… only love is real

rest in the center of the whirling water wheel

to be breathed into perfect balance with deep mystery

re-joy-sing in beloved’s whisperings… only love is real

dancing at the stillpoint in harmony

journey with me to the bend in the river

to reflect in silence the circular way

rest in the center of the whirling water wheel

to be breathed into perfect balance with deep mystery


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 116 Days – 4/11/2017

Named Awakened April 11 Release Freedom

awakened april is also national poetry month, my intention is to post a poem each day of this moon and so far i have… today, as we rest in the glow of this moon and bathe in her healing light, outer and inner birds  flock around reminding me to be openhearted and free  and singing a joyful song…


may my heart always be open to little
birds who are the secrets of living
whatever they sing is better than to know
and if men should not hear them men are old

may my mind stroll about hungry
and fearless and thirsty and supple
and even if it’s sunday may i be wrong
for whenever men are right they are not young

and may myself do nothing usefully
and love yourself so more than truly
there’s never been quite such a fool who could fail
pulling all the sky over him with one smile

~ e.e. cummings ~

(Complete Poems 1904-1962)

may we all travel in peace…


From today onward
Until the attainment of enlightenment
May I be willing
To live with my chaos and confusion
And that of all other sentient beings.

May I be willing
To share our mutual confusion
And work incessantly and humbly
To help and elevate everyone without exception.

Tibetan Prayer from Light the Flame