Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 113 Days – 4/8/2017

Named Awakened April 8 Heart Pilgrimage April 2015 055

holy synchronicity! it’s the eighth (alpha and omega) day of awakened april, a day that always echoes rebirth and coming alive… five years ago, the clown rags t. o. riches transfigured into bee u. tee fool… two years ago, i transported to an outer place that i had dreamed of and imagined since a wee child…

as a child swimming in the ocean on the outer banks of the new world

i imagined seeing across the sea to faraway cornwall of the old world

today, the tides have brought me home to a dream cave i re-member so well

when we danced as dolphins and chanted beloved’s songs

calling all who could hear to enter this heart portal

and break open the genius dream seed….


today, the magic of  4/8, 4+8=12 reverberates and i re-member the series of dreams as a 12 year old of being joseph with the coat of many colors… do you re-member your inner dreamer? do you hear the eternal whispering to you? step into the portal of this dream cave and feel your genius seed break open and carry you home, carry you into your soul and the tiny space of the heart… listen to rumi’s poem of the inner eternal, the dreamer we must re-member…

Has anyone seen the boy who used to come here?…
You know that one.
Have you heard stories about him?
Pharoah and the whole Egyptian world
collapsed for such a Joseph.
I’d gladly spend years getting word
of him…


may we all re-member and be faithful to the dream of our soul and this gift calling it came to life to give…