Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 95 – 3/21/2017

Named Moving March 21 World Water Day

everyday is a water blessing day for water is life, tomorrow (March 22) the whole world in one gigantic wave across the planet will join in celebrating the UN’s World Water  Day which is a part of a worldwide mission to make sure everyone has access to safe drinking water. Right now, many of the world’s poorest do not have access to one of our most essential and valuable natural resources.


In many areas around the world, taps, pipes and wells just don’t exist, and if they do they’re not affordable for many people. It means drinking dirty water is their only option with dirty water being responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths a year.


May we all envision and answer the urgent call to action for a world where everyone drinks freely and safely our of our life- giving relative, water…


 Prayer When Drinking Water

As I receive this water and it flows through me,
May it become medicine dispelling all ills,
May it become medicine revealing the wisdom within and through out.
I offer apology for any harm done through wrong speech & action

As this water flows through me and becomes vapor,
May it purify the atmosphere
May it nourish the wisdom potential in the people
I offer apology for any harm done through wrong speech & action

As this water flows through me, and returns to the water table
May it remove the impurities of chemicals placed within the water
May the water be made new again
May this water become medicine for all beings in this and all worlds

~ Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo ~

We  Are The Eternal Radiance

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 94 – 3/20/2017

Named Moving March 20 Balance Blessingway Whale Watching 2016 Cape Disappointment 019

Happy Equinox!


yes! the whole world is in balance today as we celebrate the festival of the sun, the day we all receive the same amount of sun externally and internally… on this day of the earth’s poles being in balance and light piercing through both hemispheres, we are able to see through dimensional veils… seeing the world through eyes of balance, she sings a song of harmony on this first day of the new astrological turn around the sun…


today, i re-member it was two year ago when a dream whispered to go into the wasteland and anoint and so i have taken on this mission of carrying holy water on every outer and inner journey to bodies of water be they oceans or rivers or bays or pools or puddles or poodles or people transmuting wasteland into graceland…


every journey a blessingway, a blessingway of deepening balance, a flowing with the waters of life in harmony making every moment sacred…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 93 – 3/19/2017

Named Moving March 19 Astonishing Light of Being 3-19-2017 Sunflower Jessica

“the light in your eyes is lit by the sun in your spirit”


tomorrow (march 20) we celebrate equinox, the festival of the sun, a day to honor the internal sun, the sun within oneself… how appropriate for today’s image of the astonishing light of your being to share this image of the inner sun of spirit…

Instructions to Painters & Poets

I asked a hundred painters and a hundred poets
how to paint sunlight
on the face of life
Their answers were ambiguous and ingenuous
as if they were all guarding trade secrets
Whereas it seems to me
all you have to do
is conceive of the whole world
and all humanity
as a kind of art work
a site-specific art work
an art project of the god of light
the whole earth and all that’s in it
to be painted with light

And the first thing you have to do
is paint out postmodern painting
And the next thing is to paint yourself
in your true colors
in primary colors
as you see them
(without whitewash)
paint yourself as you see yourself
without make-up
without masks
Then paint your favorite people and animals
with your brush loaded with light
And be sure you get the perspective right
and don’t fake it
because one false line leads to another

And don’t forget to paint
all those who lived their lives
as bearers of light
Paint their eyes
and the eyes of every animal
and the eyes of beautiful women
known best for the perfection of their breasts
and the eyes of men and women
known only for the light of their minds
Paint the light of their eyes
the light of sunlit laughter
the song of eyes
the song of birds in flight

And remember that the light is within
if it is anywhere
and you must paint from the inside

~ Lawrence Ferlinghetti ~



May I be willing
To help and elevate everyone without exception.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 92 – 3/18/2017

Named Moving March 18 N Flo Jo

allergies overtake me today… so much so that i don’t have the wherewithal to write my daily peace and i always do before i close my eyes at the end of the day but today a deep sea journey calls and that is where i must go as the soul song of our mother plays through my/our being…

we all come from the goddess

and to her we shall return

like a drop of rain flowing to the ocean


we all come from the goddess

and to her we shall return

hoof and horn, hoof and horn, all that dies is reborn


we all come from the goddess

and to her we shall return

sage and crone, sage and crone, wisdom’s gift is our own


we all come from the goddess

and to her we shall return

like a drop of rain flowing to the ocean


in closing, our prayer for liberation…

From today onward
Until the attainment of enlightenment
May I be willing
To live with my chaos and confusion
And that of all other sentient beings.

May I be willing
To share our mutual confusion
And work incessantly and humbly
To help and elevate everyone without exception.


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 91 – 3/17/2017

Named Moving March 17 Poetic-PEACE-Pilgimage-Path

on this day of being transported to the emerald isle energetically, i re-member a long ago conversation with and journey to the sun who told ne to live in green for that is the color of love…

in honor of this day of being green, i offer another blessing from the isle’s native son


On the day when
the weight deadens
on your shoulders
and you stumble,
may the clay dance
to balance you.

And when your eyes
freeze behind
the grey window
and the ghost of loss
gets in to you,
may a flock of colours,
indigo, red, green,
and azure blue
come to awaken in you
a meadow of delight.

When the canvas frays
in the currach of thought
and a stain of ocean
blackens beneath you,
may there come across the waters
a path of yellow moonlight
to bring you safely home.

May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
may the clarity of light be yours,
may the fluency of the ocean be yours,
may the protection of the ancestors be yours.
And so may a slow
wind work these words
of love around you,
an invisible cloak
to mind your life.

~ John O’Donohue ~

(Echoes of Memory)


i close with the liberation and healing meditation that is one of my daily practices…

From today onward
Until the attainment of enlightenment
May I be willing
To live with my chaos and confusion
And that of all other sentient beings.

May I be willing
To share our mutual confusion
And work incessantly and humbly
To help and elevate everyone without exception.

Tibetan Light the Flame Prayer

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 90 – 3/16/2017

Named Moving March 16 Irish Blessing

i’m getting an early start on celebrating St Paddy’s because today is a celebration of so many magical happenings with a very special baby being born (genekeys.com), today vibrates at the master number of twenty-two, the number for grace, the sun is shining today in the rain-soaked Pacific Northwest and tomorrow when we will be celebrating the wild, poetically enchanting, magical Ireland, who better to hear an echo from her than her late great native son, John O’Donahue…


A Celebration Blessing

Now is the time
to free the heart,
Let all intentions and worries stop,
Free the joy inside the self,
Awaken to the wonder
of your life.

Open your eyes and see the friends
Whose hearts recognize your face as kin,
Those whose kindness watchful and near,
Encourages you to live everything here.

See the gifts the years have given,
Things your effort could never earn,
The health to enjoy who you want to be
And the mind to mirror mystery.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 89 – 3/15/2017

Named Moving March 15 Pope on Culture of Care

be aware of the ides of march… powerful winds roaring through today calling attention to the ever present spirits… portending the ending of a cycle and our embarking on a mysterious journey into the unknown… are you feeling the call of the old collapsing and the need to sing a new song of the earth?


i know the pope said these words almost eighteen moons ago but on this day to be aware, his powerful words ring true like a clarion call… the time for courageous actions aimed at implementing a culture of care and an integrated to combating poverty, restoring dignity and protecting nature…


i want to close tonight as i want to close every peace from this day forward – with the tibetan light the flame prayer, a meditation on healing, on wholing the cosmos, a vibration of peace and harmony…


From today onward
Until the attainment of enlightenment
May I be willing
To live with my chaos and confusion
And that of all other sentient beings.

May I be willing
To share our mutual confusion
And work incessantly and humbly
To help and elevate everyone without exception.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 88 – 3/14/2017

Named Moving March 14 Tibetan Prayer

today, as i purify  with full moon water from sunday’s moon of miracles, i take on the suffering of and dedicate my happiness to others which i understand as a teaching of protection and healing, a meditation that brings true refuge, a meditation known as the solution for everything…

so, perhaps you’ll want to join with me in practicing this prayer of purification and healing… today is the 88th day of the fourth year of the pilgrimage and it’s Pi Day, both days signify infinity, the inclusion of everything which seems auspicious as does this day falling two days after the day of miracles…

may we be compassion…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 87 – 3/13/2017

Named Moving March 13 Water Blessing.

come, sit by the waters with me and let’s journey together back into the cosmic womb, the dark sacred space of origin…. breathe in the flowing mother waters… feel the flowing waters, be flowing water…. now, breathe deeply in the rhythm of the waves diving deeper and deeper into the stillpoint… re-member who you/we really are – water -we are the eternal radiance andrelease any pain, any walls blocking free flow…


now, blessing the waters within and without, breathe them in, feeling the radiance you are, an illuminated being of great heart… in this wellspring, water reminds us of our purpose, we are original source, creation creating creation in the belly of the earth where all rivers converge into one rainbow stream of radiance, one cosmic circle birthing  the divine…


let’s sit here silently for awhile open to life’s flow, trusting in the beauty of pachamama and the courage of  great mystery, knowing all is well, thanking spirits for gracing us with everything…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 86 – 3/12/2017…

Named Moving March 12 flowgo

this segment of showing you the astonishing light of being falls auspiciously on both the day of miracles and the full moon of miracles so naturally we must showcase this amazing full moon of the divine feminine giving birth to dancing stars…

for days prior to today, as i walked with grandmother to the river below the river every place i try to cross is blocked… today, i re-member the impeded stream sings and so i venture to the stillpoint to listen… and i see the great mother moon dancing creation weaving a new web of life, carbon turned into crystals of light, a thousand dancing diamonds twinkling in the night, imbuing the all with powerful sight of the world being breathed into life again, unfolding mystery of the knowledge within… listening deeply to our one heart, feeling the love we are called to impart…

look into the stream illuminated by sister moon and see your true reflection singing you alive… namaste’