come, sit by the waters with me and let’s journey together back into the cosmic womb, the dark sacred space of origin…. breathe in the flowing mother waters… feel the flowing waters, be flowing water…. now, breathe deeply in the rhythm of the waves diving deeper and deeper into the stillpoint… re-member who you/we really are – water -we are the eternal radiance andrelease any pain, any walls blocking free flow…
now, blessing the waters within and without, breathe them in, feeling the radiance you are, an illuminated being of great heart… in this wellspring, water reminds us of our purpose, we are original source, creation creating creation in the belly of the earth where all rivers converge into one rainbow stream of radiance, one cosmic circle birthing the divine…
let’s sit here silently for awhile open to life’s flow, trusting in the beauty of pachamama and the courage of great mystery, knowing all is well, thanking spirits for gracing us with everything…