Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 54 – 2/8/2017

Named Freely Flowing February 8 2017 Transformation Alaska Transformation

what a day of meeting the moment fully, of sitting and standing, breathing in and out, in a space of grace, a sea of love energy, a field of mystery as i kept vigil with someone going through a narrow passageway, as i experienced a renewed awakening of a long held dream and the concomitant elimination of suffering in the form of fear and anxiety, of syncing into the kindness of rhythm when we come home to the heart, the field of unitive consciousness, the one rainbow body we are, stardust threads of luminous energy…

when in dark nights, unknown spaces, uncertain moments, always come home to the heart syncing into the  deep earth of our being, the wisdom place in the core and breathe in deeply the love we are, the most powerful healing, wholeing medicine that gives birth to a dancing star…

thousandfold thanks for walking home with me and sitting around the fire of great mystery always being love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 53 – 2/7/2017

Named Freely Flowing February 7 2017 Pachamama, Sage of Beautyway

a day of holy synchronicity, a day of feeling the kindness of rhythm on the pilgrimage…. a day of hearing the cries of the world rising in frequency and intensity, a day of feeling the quickening of collective birth pangs, a day of gathering with midwives to co-llaborate on empowering space for dreams, encouraging strength to take one more step, celebrating the new song gestating, trusting in the kindness of the rhythm…

and, so, i turn to kuan yin, goddess of compassion, protector of women, children, sailors, fishermen, anyone in trouble, and the sick, disabled, and poor… she who walks the boddhisattva path foregoing enlightenment until all sentient beings are liberated and free from suffering…

according to legend, kwan yin tried so strenuously to alleviate the suffering of all beings that her head split into eleven pieces… buddha awarded her eleven heads with which to hear the cries of the world and when she heard all the cries and reached out to address the needs of so many, her two arms shattered… now, buddha gives her a thousand arms to offer her compassion to all…

may our one heart remain always open being lovingkindness to all and may we all reside in the peace passing all understanding realizing the beauty of our true nature of joy…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 52 – 2/6/2017

Named Freely Flowing February 6 2017 John O'Donohue Soul Knows Way Mt Rainier Lenticular Cap Cloudstoday feels a little caught between the worlds, not quite in rhythm so it helps to be reminded of the spark in me, the spark in you where the map, the blueprint is eternally lit… i also love coming home to the heart, a sacred space in nature, tahoma as it’s known to natives, rainier as it’s known as a park… no matter what it is named, it’s a wonderful backdrop for dreaming, especially when hanging between worlds as the lenticular clouds hovering convey the spacey rhythm of this day…

and now that i have the image, i can drop down into the rhythm and let the kindness of germination, the space between the notes float in the stillness of the dance…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 51 – 2/5/2017

Named Freely Flowing February 5 2017 Sanctuary Everywhere NHPhoto_LoveHate_Arnie

Give light and people will find the way.
Ella Baker, Activist

welcome to this week’s installment of showing us the astonishing light of being… in these days, can we have too many reminders of all the lovingkindness occurring on the planet? far too often, the media inundates us with the old stories of fear and scarcity when, in truth, every moment there are more acts of compassion and the groundswell moves more and more in that direction…

#SanctuaryEverywhere is the simple idea of the American Friends Service Committee that everyday people can come together to keep each other safe that draws on the many traditions of peoples’ movements protecting targeted communities, like the Underground Railroad during slavery, Kindertransport during the Holocaust, the protection of conscientious objectors during the Vietnam War, the Sanctuary Movement in the 1980s and in more recent years, #NotOneMore, which has sheltered numerous undocumented immigrants from deportation…

thousand fold thanks for all the countless ways we are being beloved community…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 50 – 2/4/2017

Named Freely Flowing February 4 2017

it has been said it only takes 144,000 sentient beings to hear the call and turn toward el canto hondo, the deep soul song, the dream of the earth to establish a new paradigm of reality singing in the frequency of harmony throughout the ocean of being…

how i love meeting you in this field of what we deeply value, this sacred space of interconnectedness, this beautiful moment where all is well…

today we witness and celebrate this collective hearing and following the call to come back home to spirit, to dissolve into spirit, to be so at one with spirit that all borders vanish… we are present as love, the animating energy of all that is, the saving grace that simply opens the door to love… trusting that in this surrendering, this softening, this turning toward pachamama, the unifying spirit breathing all our relatives alive, we are transported to the stillpoint, the place of creation where the dance of the new begins…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 49 – 2/3/2017

Named Freely Flowing February 3 2017 Juliette in Olympic National Rainforest

what a day of re-membering how true these words are… what a miracle to meet each moment fully, how this moment opens us to a new world populated with the  dreams great mystery sings through us, these precious dreams we receive when we are open and present to deeply listening… i’m still feeling the rhythm of a new beginning and attending to what dreams are coming, what needs birthing… so, i turn to the celtic bard of blessing , John O’Donahue, and his poem for mothers-to-be which i see broadly as all mothers of invention, all dreamers of dreams…

Nothing could have prepared your heart to open like this.

From beyond the skies and the stars
This echo arrived inside of you and started to pulse with life
Each beat a tiny act of growth,
Traversing all our ancient shapes,
On its way home to itself.

Once it began, you were no longer your own.
A new, more courageous you, offering itself
In a new way to a presence you can sense
But you have not seen or known.

It has made you feel alone
In a way you never knew before;

Everyone else sees only from the outside
What you feel and feed with every fiber of your being.

Never have you traveled farther inward
Where words and thoughts become half-­ligth
unable to reach the fund of brightness
Strengthening inside the night of your womb.

Like some primeval moon,
Your soul brightens
The tides of essense
That flow to your child.

You know your life has changed forever,
For in all the days and years to come,
Distance will never be able to cut you off
From the one you now carry
For nine months under your heart.

May you be blessed with quiet confidence
That destiny will guide you and mind you.

May the emerging spirit of your child
Imbibe encouragement and joy
From the continuous music of your heart,
So that it can grow with ease,
Respectant of wonder and welcome when its form is fully filled

And it makes it journey out
To see you and settle at last
Relieved and glad in your arms.

may all our dreams be birthed and come alive today…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 48 – 2/2/2017

Named Freely Flowing February 2 2017 Doors

today is groundhog day, imbolc, candlemas, the feast of brigid, a day of pausing before walking through a door into the new, into the uncharted, the unknown… a moment to give attention and intention to what we choose to give our life energy to for all our relations…

i choose to be loving presence and to open the doors of our one heart wider to the ocean of compassion, moving from resistance to rezestance where we’re filled to overflowingin this freely flowing moon of omens and oracles with regenerativity which spirals us full circle to the little groundhog who sees his shadow portending more winter…

however, our friendly hedgehogs have a different experience portending spring around the corner… it all comes down to how you look at things, doesn’t it? we all have the ability to look at things differently, to see the world as it is… oceanic oneness flooding being with the preciousness of our wild and wonderful world and life…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 47 – 2/1/2017

Named Freely Flowing February 1 2017

what a confluence of riches today…  the first day of the moon of freely flowing february and it’s imbolc, the first day of the new year of the ancient earth rhythms calendar and it’s the first day of  world harmony week and the first day of black history month and…

most of all, this day, this moment is a new beginning, of a moment that’s been quietly forming in the background constellating out of where we put our energy, our thoughts, words and deeds, the seeds we plant with every breath…

in this moment of new beginning, will you join me in dreaming into now a just world of love and peace?  thousandfold thanks… namaste…

My Soul honors your Soul. I honor the place in you where the Infinite resides. I honor the light, love, truth, beauty and peace within you, and I honor this within me. I surrender to the Divine in me and I connect to the Divine in you. . .