Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3/3 Years – Day 332/1062 – 11/12/2016


how to meet the times we are in with right action is a real question, one so many of us are living now and it is a question everybody feels the force of from time to time… an ancient question, it comes with being human…

here is an ancient koan suitable for now:

A student asked, “When times of great difficulty visit us, how should we meet them?”

The teacher said, “Welcome.”

i’ve been in many gatherings this week, so many of us feel a need to come together and in every communion, we come to a deep space of silence, a moment of waiting for the transcendent function to kick in, for the right action, the movement of aligning with true self, source, great mystery to arise…

may we all keep living the question from an openhearted space until the water clears…