all over the planet, life is out of balance and we know we must change the dream we’ve been living… when we listen to the indigenous, the people of the land who listen to the all that is, we hear the clarion call to love our mother and each other… water, air, trees, sun, moon, stars, all our relatives and we are all relatives woven together intricately, inextricably, interconnectedly…
we can all feel that we are at a tipping point, a sacred space with birth pangs so intense… the moment when we must band together, stand together in love, throw off the illusion of separation, re-member the reality that we are one…
yes, let us take courage and be of strong heart, awaken the dream of the world we all share and long to realize… a world of peace built on justice and guided by our essence, our essence of love…
may we all come together and work for this shared vision…