here is a perfect image to show you the astonishing light of your own being… as you gaze on the light radiating from both of these lovely sunflowers, take a moment to put your hands on your heart saying, I AM basically good… I AM basically good… I AM basically good… relax even more deeply into basic goodness by moving your hands to your belly and breathing this in again and again…
and now, let’s anchor this feeling of the light of love we are with the intention of being compassion and lovingkindness with all our relations beginning with ourselves as we bring up an image of the innocent child alive in us and as breath breathes us, bless all that is with happiness and safety and health and ease…
re-member there’s only one of us here… a streaming wave of luminous, phosphorescent flotsam drifting on an invisible dark sea, an unfolding dance of rainbow mystery always being love, always becoming love…