Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 278/1008 – 9/19/2016

named-synchronous-september-19-lovingkindness-wedding-trip-pilgrimage-047-oceanside-cape-mearesi have arrived. i am home.

what an intense week with the super full moon energies of the abundant harvest moon and lunar eclipse, so much to harvest as whirling winds brought so much to the surface… today, i soak in, luxuriate in the healing balm of compassion and loving kindness and re-member the Dalai Lama’s words about the first step and the only step towards leading a happy life is to treat all with kindness… i invite you to join me in this metta practice in this moment, any moment, every moment…


This meditation uses words, images, and feelings to evoke a lovingkindness and friendliness toward oneself and others. With each recitation of the phrases, we are expressing an intention, planting the seeds of loving wishes over and over in our heart.

With a loving heart as the background, all that we attempt, all that we encounter will open and flow more easily. You can begin the practice of lovingkindness by meditating for fifteen or twenty minutes in a quiet place. Let yourself sit in a comfortable fashion. Let your body rest and be relaxed. Let your heart be soft. Let go of any plans or preoccupations.

Begin with yourself. Breathe gently, and recite inwardly the following traditional phrases directed toward our own well-being. You being with yourself because without loving yourself it is almost impossible to love others.

May I be filled with lovingkindness.

May I be safe from inner and outer dangers.

May I be well in body and mind.

May I be at ease and happy.

As you repeat these phrases, picture yourself as you are now, and hold that image in a heart of lovingkindness. Or perhaps you will find it easier to picture yourself as a young and beloved child. Adjust the words and images in any way you wish. Create the exact phrases that best open your heart of kindness. Repeat these phrases over and over again, letting the feelings permeate your body and mind. Practice this meditation for a number of weeks, until the sense of lovingkindness for yourself grows.

Be aware that this meditation may at times feel mechanical or awkward. It can also bring up feelings contrary to lovingkindness, feelings of irritation and anger. If this happens, it is especially important to be patient and kind toward yourself, allowing whatever arises to be received in a spirit of friendliness and kind affection. When you feel you have established some stronger sense of lovingkindness for yourself, you can then expand your meditation to include others. After focusing on yourself for five or ten minutes, choose a benefactor, someone in your life who has loved and truly cared for you. Picture this person and carefully recite the same phrases:

May you be filled with lovingkindness.

May you be safe from inner and outer dangers.

May you be well in body and mind.

May you be at ease and happy.

Let the image and feelings you have for your benefactor support the meditation. Whether the image or feelings are clear or not does not matter. In meditation they will be subject to change. Simply continue to plant the seeds of loving wishes, repeating the phrases gently no matter what arises.

Expressing gratitude to our benefactors is a natural form of love. In fact, some people find lovingkindness for themselves so hard, they begin their practice with a benefactor. This too is fine. The rule in lovingkindness practice is to follow the way that most easily opens your heart.

When lovingkindness for your benefactor has developed, you can gradually begin to include other people in your meditation. Picturing each beloved person, recite inwardly the same phrases, evoking a sense of lovingkindness for each person in turn.

After this you can include others: Spend some time wishing well to a wider circle of friends. Then gradually extend your meditation to picture and include community members, neighbors, people everywhere, animals, all beings, the whole earth.

Finally, include the difficult people in your life, even your enemies, wishing that they too may be filled with lovingkindness and peace. This will take practice. But as your heart opens, first to loved ones and friends, you will find that in the end you won’t want to close it anymore.

Lovingkindness can be practiced anywhere. You can use this meditation in traffic jams, in buses, and on airplanes. As you silently practice this meditation among people, you will come to feel a wonderful connection with them – the power of lovingkindness. It will calm your mind and keep you connected to your heart.

Jack Kornfield

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 277/1007 – 9/18/2016


it’s the moment for the next installation of I wish I could show you the astonishing light of your being… today, this brilliant sun so perfectly mirrors the light of your being… it is an honor to celebrate you and how your steady inner light burning so bright rekindles my flame and shows me the way home in the dark…

infinite love and gratitude, dear co-hearts of the one heart…

shine on and on and on and on…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 276/1006 – 9/17/2016


All paths are the same, leading nowhere.

Don Juan


yes, Don Juan, all paths are the same for the journey is the destination, it is the process and not the outcome, the coming home to the heart, to the now here…

so, choose a path with heart, any path with heart, follow it, and then rejoice and laugh knowing life will be over altogether too soon…

cultivate the feeling of having everything needed for this extravagant journey that is life, the quintessential pilgrimage…

may we all travel on a path with heart, a path with great peace where we are at one with the path…

shanti, shanti, shantihi…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 275/1005 – 9/16/2016


i went on a cosmic journey today to talk with the harvest full moon… standing in the light of her truth, our truth, this foretelling moon declared that it’s time on the clock of the world to live as one in the deep peace of flowing waters, to honor and respect everything as sacred and interconnected, to stand in the truth of interdependence real-eye-sing we all need each other, it’s survival of the nurturingest…

welcome to the new world that mirrors the ancient, living together on the banks of the river where everything is moving and changing and flowing… the universal stream of water is life consciousness bringing us together in a field of love…

yes, foretelling harvest moon, the seventh generation is awakening and arising leading us into the promised land of healing and harmony among all our relations, peace and love the coin of the realm, the currentsea of cosmic unity…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 275/1004 – 9/15/2016


holy synchronicity! today i’m feeling the stilling of the wave, the moment of chaos giving birth to a dancing star of harmony and re-membering a year ago on this day, the ides of September, the lucid dream of the still tidal wave stretching from ocean floor to heaven… there was no fear, simply a recognition of breakthrough…

this full moon, this super moon, this lunar eclipse moon calls us to stand in the truth of the foreshadowed breakthrough, to stand for love, to realeyes this revolution is holding, a deeper consciousness of the heart is embedding in all the wild cells of all our relations…

onward pilgrims of the shero journey! ain’t no stopping us now…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 273/1003 – 9/14/2016


as we walk the pathless path of peace deeper into cosmic unity, we re- member a lost chord of the celestial symphony… we are beloved community belonging to each other eternally in the deep peace of of our one heart…

we all be longing to come home to our one heart

 to awaken and re-member our original space of belonging

where mother waters sing to us of our true nature

one body, one mind, one heartbeat, one love

welcome home to our belonging circle

welcome home to our ocean of love



Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 272/1002 – 9/13/2016


Global Water Blessingway

all our relations

are gathering, gathering

to speak truth to power


an unbroken hoop

encircles pachamama

the spokes speak truth to power


across four corners

from earth to sky, mni wicono is our cry

water is life speaks truth to power


many cultures, one heart

standing in solidarity, moving toward common unity

synarchy speaks truth to power


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 271/1001 – 9/12/2016



Be thankful now for having arrived,
for the sense of having drunk from a well,
for remembering the long drought
that preceded your arrival and the years
walking in a desert landscape of surfaces
looking for a spring hidden from you so long
that even wanting to find it now had gone
from your mind until you only remembered
the hard pilgrimage that brought you here,
the thirst that caught in your throat;
the taste of a world just-missed
and the dry throat that came from a love
you remembered but had never fully wanted
for yourself, until finally after years making
the long trek to get here it was as if your whole
achievement had become nothing but thirst itself.

But the miracle had come simply
from allowing yourself to know
that you had found it, that this time
someone walking out into the clear air
from far inside you had decided not to walk
past it any more; the miracle had come
at the roadside in the kneeling to drink
and the prayer you said, and the tears you shed
and the memory you held and the realization
that in this silence you no longer had to keep
your eyes and ears averted from the place
that could save you, that you had been given
the strength to let go of the thirsty dust laden
pilgrim-self that brought you here, walking
with her bent back, her bowed head
and her careful explanations.

No, the miracle had already happened
when you stood up, shook off the dust
and walked along the road from the well,
out of the desert toward the mountain,
as if already home again, as if you deserved
what you loved all along, as if just
remembering the taste of that clear cool
spring could lift up your face and set you free.

~ David Whyte ~

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 270/1000 – 9/11/2016


Holy Synchronicity!!!

it’s day 11 of synchronous september on a day that vibrates at the master frequency of 11, it’s day 1000 of almost three years of the poetic peace pilgrimage and 1000 also vibrates at the mastery frequency, so, today we celebrate ourselves as a masterpeace of beloved community of all our pilgrim relations… and, we celebrate ourselves as the week’s astonishing light of being recipients…

the poetic peace pilgrimage, in its latest incarnation, arose out of the occupation of and then dwelling in the abundance of infinite love and gratitude and was conceived as a…

pilgrimage of peace

a daily breathing practice

in rhythm with flow


and a…

pathless path of peace

creating a world of justice

guided by love


where we are…

flowing in beauty

being the soul of the space

wherever we are


and devoting ourselves to…

meeting each moment fully

meeting it as a friend


while always re-membering…

in the end only three things matter: how much you loved,

how gently you lived and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you

~ Buddha ~

thank you dear friends for sharing this journey, this wandering into wonder… i’m going to close today’s spiral dance as i opened it 1000 days ago with immortal Rumi’s words…

If you are seeking, seek us with joy
For we live in the kingdom of joy.
Do not give your heart to anything else
But to the love of those who are clear joy,
Do not stray into the neighborhood of despair.
For there are hopes: they are real, they exist –
Do not go in the direction of darkness –
I tell you: suns exist.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 269 – 9/10/2016


moments before this picture was taken, this sweet bear, this gentle ben was attempting to eat a park sign… it didn’t take him too long to realize that sign was not his… oh, may i learn from br’er bear about letting go gracefully…

i enjoyed such a lovely afternoon in common unity, in community, as we gathered in portalandia in solidarity with the people gathered in standing rock and all over the planet standing for love, standing in peace, standing by our sacred waters of life…

yes, another day of synchronicities, of syncing with so many relatives into what really matters, of our collectively deepening into cosmic hum…