Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 255 – 8/27/2016

Named Awakening August 27 Poetic PEACE Pilgrim 1 Rainmaker

thank you for being rainmakers, harmony beings, wherever we are… in our own forms, in all sacred spaces here and beyond… with every breath and in every moment, may we thank the waters of life for all the blessings given by water, the source of life, our original home, our eternal home…

if you are able to visit a body of water in the physical world, wonderful… re-member, we are bodies of water, so, every breath that blows through us is moisturized by the inner river flowing through us… thank you, water, for giving us life and sustaining us…

water, in this moment we honor you and thank you for nourishing the dried up spaces in and around us and bringing us back to life…

water, we see through our water eye we are one vast sea of love energy and commit to being stewards of you listening deeply to your songs teaching us and showing us the way to share with all children of the earth reverence for water, source of life, reverence for water, teacher of how to be, reverence for water, healer and anointer of life everlasting…

namaste, beloved waters, we offer our songs of thanksgiving with this breath and ripple them out into the cosmos… blessed be, we are the eternal radiance….