Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 183 – 6/16/2016

Named Jubilee June 16 Whale Watching 2014 006 Hug Point Gateway..

holy synchronicity! i wanted to find a picture of one of my favorite coastal destinedations, hug point, a beautiful gateway sacred space and what shows up as a memory today? yes, just the picture that was calling me on this wild and crazy day that simply pulled me into one challenge after another with each one more awash in grace and ease…

long story short, things have been going on in the physical realm warranting attention… first stop, the lab for my weekly check and being loving presence in a busy cancer center… from there, i was sent to the hospital for testing which confirmed my suspicion of a blood clot and then the lovely news that i wouldn’t be admitted to the hospital and could return home to the hospital(ity) center to be treated…

thanks be for this day of blessings, of stepping through the gateway into the cave of the heart, of surrendering to universal love source’s rhythmic cosmic flow…