thousandfold thanks for this wondrous day of moment after moment of awe… awakened wonder-filled ecstasy is the frequency i tune into every day on this third year of memorializing the poetic peace pilgrimage… thank you for this sacred day of friday the thirteenth, for spending the day with awesome young poetic peace pilgrims who naturally live awe, for re-membering a gathering of poetic peace pilgrims where every moment mirrors the most awesome reality… we are a vast sea of love energy… tuning into the awesome frequency is as simple as a smile to start my internal love engine and some deep heart breaths to slow down and embrace and reverence this moment, this beautiful moment which opens our one heart ever wider to radiate love…
may we all live a meaningful life, one of purpose, of wevolution, of being compassion and loving kindness with every breath, with every step tuning into and dancing the frequency of awe… namaste, beloveds…