Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 115 – 4/9/2016

Named Appreciation April 9 Plgrimage of PEACE Ocean 5-13-2009

in this moment on the pilgrimage, i’m re-membering four years ago today as the moment when the surgeon was examining my throat to check on the cancer lesions only to find they had spontaneously remitted… even though i’d experienced many miraculous healings over the previous eight years, this one was especially hard to believe… fast forward to the day before yesterday when a western doctor doing a work up in prep for an eye surgery asked me how i’d defied western medicine so many times… without any thought, the words simply flowed… “i began dwelling in the abundance of infinite love and gratitude smiling and saying thank you, thank you to whatever arose while breathing in deeply through our one heart…”

this every breath practice, this sauntering on the peace pilgrimage, is the royal road to the milagro field, the clearing in the wilder ness in the land of grace… free and accessible to all, one need only slow down, silently attune to the cosmic hum, soften into her rhythmic flow, and serve the whole by letting go of identification becoming one with all that is…

isn’t it interesting how we make something that is so very simple into something so complex, so much so, it’s like a forgotten art?

thousandfold thanks we live in a morphic field that is exponentially more and more resonant in every moment, hallelujah! for the innernet, the most powerful communication network, operating at the speed of light…

thanks be for our every breath being a deepening journey into the stillpoint, the center of the wheel, where the dance begins in rhythm with divine flow…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 114 – 4/8/2016

Named Appreciation April 8 Dalai Lama 1st Step Kindness

with the new moon in aires yesterday beginning a new astrological year and calling for a new story, i love awakening in this courageous new world where we, all our relations, treat each other with lovingkindness period. no excuses, no equivocations, simply lovingkindness, the most sustainable and economical energy source of, for and by the cosmos… thousandfold thanks for lovingkindness fueling our every breath…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 113 – 4/7/2016

Named Appreciation April 7 Moon New in Aires Water Blessing at Gorge 5-7-15 008to celebrate the first new moon of the astrological year, and a supermoon at that, i make a SHERO Journey to SELF and rest on the dreaming mountain bridge in the tiny space of our one still, silent heart, sacred space of true emptiness where we breathe in and breathe out and dance in essence, in the frothy flow, the sea of love energy uniting heaven above and earth below… come, stand with me in the center of being and let’s dream the new story where singing waters hum in harmony bathing the new world lovingly, peacefully, joyfully, beautifully… building beloved community in the new jerusalem… behold, graceland!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 112 – 4/6/2016

Named Appreciation April 6 Gratitude Always

i, like you, walk the transformational path of gratitude where challenges faced with an embracing heart, open into sacred grace… today, in closing a door on a journey i wanted to take, in surrendering to divine will, another door opens leading i know not exactly where, except, it will take me deeper into devotion, into the land of grace… we live in a friendly cosmos awaiting our freely choosing to be flow… thank you, thank you, thank you…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 107 – 4/1/2016

Named Appreciation April 1 Tahoma Equinox

on this first day of April, the day celebrating the ultimate pilgrim, the holy fool, let us bless this new beginning of a moon of appreciation and in this moment contemplate what’s been quietly forming, what’s emerging…

for me, the path continues to be more and more groundless in proportion with detaching, letting go to flow… this living more and more in the now takes heart, courage… i’m trusting in Beloved and the power of love as iterated below by the incomparable Rumi….

“This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.”


thousandfold thanks for sharing this journey and what’s awakening in you…