Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 134 – 4/28/2016

Named Appreciation April 28 Jo Wanderer of Wondwr PPP

it’s the eve of the waning half moon, a moon known as the wise woman moon, a moon for tuning into comic hum and listening to the soul song of our one heart… a moon phase to slow down, turn within, drop down into the core, the stillpoint of creation to deeply relax… with five planets in retrograde, the energetic impulse to still is amplified and it’s easier to hear the humming soul song, the inner knowing of what waves are ours to weave into quilted webs of radiant light telling the ever unfolding cosmic story and what threads are ours to compost into the ocean of being..

may we all, in joy, enjoy this moment, this beautiful moment of wandering in wonder…