Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 119 – 4/13/2016

Named Appreciation April 13 Path with Heart

on this thirteenth day of Appreciation April, I’m so grateful to and for Don Juan and his teachings that first began inspiring me in the late ’60’s and continue to do so still to this moment… may we all follow our bliss, our path with heart… may we all be led deeper and deeper into our true nature radiating lovingkindness wherever we go…

on this thirteenth day of Appreciation April, I’m also and always so grateful to and for all our relations for sharing the journey, this magical mystery tour, the pilgrimage of life…

ps… i’m going to the hospital tomorrow for a drive thru surgery, a follow up om my eye to restore vision… it may be a little rough going in the beginning so if you don’t see me, know that i’m resting and being breathed into healing, transforming the ruptured eye into the rapturous organ of sight…  boundless love…