Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 102 – 3/27/2016

Named Magnificent March 27 Resurrection

on this movable feast day of rebirth, hearing of so much suffering, the psalm of death and rebirth, crucifixion and resurrection sings me and breathes me whispering of our dying to what doesn’t serve, what has been corrupted, to open space for innocence to rise again, to see through the fresh eyes of a child, to behold the world as a wilderness of wonder…

this magical mystery tour, this pilgrimage of death and rebirth, of crucifixion and resurrection unfolds with our every breath and leads the way home to life everlasting in our one heart, sacred gathering space for all our relations in the vast and deep ocean of love…

welcome home, children of the light!

may we wake to earth’s energy as our one heart.
may we wake to earth’s ocean as our tears.
may we wake to earth’s wind as our breath.
may we wake to earth’s landscape as our body.

may our one heart open dormant seeds.
may our tears fill rain clouds.
may our breath give flight to migrating birds.
may our body be an island of refuge.

may earth mother depend on our heart for her energy.
may earth mother depend on our tears for her ocean.
may earth mother depend on our breath for her wind.
may earth mother depend on our body for her landscape .

 may earth mother open dormant seeds.
may earth mother fill rain clouds.
may earth mother give flight to migrating birds.
may earth mother have islands of refuge.