Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 80 – 3/5/2016

Named Magnificent March 5 ReBirth 9-13-15 010

as we enter the balsamic phase of the moon, the moment in the cycle to let go, i am swimming in the ocean of impermanence with waves of timelessness whispering the same refrain of my daily mantra of letting go, of dying to the old to flow with the new… which brings me to re-membering the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan best known for its policy of Gross National Happiness; in this land of happy people, one of their secrets of joy is contemplating death, the ultimate letting go, five times each day… the quintessential inspiration for seizing the moment, living with all the gusto, savoring…

as we prepare for this pisces new moon, the last new moon of the astrological year, this supermoon and solar eclipse – the first of four eclipses this year – a new door opens to a field of change where we are changed forever…

may we all be patient with impermanence and trust in the cosmic rhythm of timelessness…