as we close the magnificent month of march, i reflect on the space we have traversed during this intense turning with two eclipses and supermoons, equinox and moving into the space of fall or spring, so much light pouring in and divine love rising exponentially in the space between us…
i re-member this month is celebrated as International Women’s Month and i’d like to close this moon of the lion and the lamb with some essential spirit signposts for pilgrims as we pioneer onward…
- A desire to explore new places, avenues, and opportunities
- A vision of something better
- An ingenuity to try new ideas, inventions, innovations, or enterprises
- A readiness to assume personal responsibility
- A commitment to community, family, a sense of place
- A determination and the courage to never give up
- A sense of independence while realizing our interdependency
blessing the space between us, the journey into our one heart…